This topic describes how to configure Control-M/EM API for use in your project development environment.
Before using the Control‑M/EM API in your project, you must initialize the API. You start and stop the Control‑M/EM API by initializing the CORBA services. CORBA is an architecture and specification for creating, distributing, and managing distributed program objects in a network. In Control‑M/EM API, CORBA is implemented through the use of JacORB, a third-party product that brokers requests among the components of distributed applications (acts as middleware).
API services start by using the EMXMLInvoker static method, Init. When you finish using the Control‑M/EM API use EMXMLInvoker static method, done. It stops when the Control‑M/EM API stops using the CORBA services. When your application finishes using the API, you can stop the API.
The Control‑M/EM API uses services that need to be initialized and terminated only once. There is no need to initialize and stop for every new user session or call.
The following topics describe how to configure the Control-M/EM API, and prepare, write and run your project: