Control-M/Enterprise Manager (Control-M/EM) is a Control-M component that provides a central point of control for Control‑M/Servers. Control‑M/EM enables users to do the following:
View status of job schedules and execution in Control‑M environments
Issue requests for additional information
Make changes to Production
Handle problems. Control‑M/EM also passes global conditions among Control‑M/Servers.
The following figure shows the main sub-components of the Control-M/EM component:
The Control-M/EM includes the following types of sub-components:
Control-M/EM clients: Enables you to configure your Control-M environment to generate reports, and define, run, and monitor your job flows.
Control-M/EM servers: Enables Control-M/EM components to communication with Control‑M/EM clients and other Control-M/EM components.
Infrastructure components: Enables Control-M/EM clients to communicate with the relevant Control-M/EM server and includes the Control-M/EM database.