Control-M/EM servers

The following table describes the Control-M/EM servers and their functionalities including handling communication between Control‑M/EM clients and other Control‑M/EM components:



GUI Server (GSR)

Handles communication between Control-M/EM clients and Control-M/Servers. You can configure multiple GUI Servers in one Control-M/EM environment for load balancing purposes.

The GUI Server connects to each Gateway to transmit requests and receive responses to/from Control-M/Server.

Global Conditions Server (GCS)

Identifies and distributes global conditions used to create job dependencies between Control-M/Servers.

The GCS connects to each Gateway to receive and transmit prerequisite conditions to the appropriate Control-M/Server.


Handles communication between the Control-M/EM servers (GUI Server and GCS), to the Control-M/Server.

A different gateway is defined for each Control-M/Server (including Control-M for z/OS).

Configuration Manager Server (CMS)

Receives information from the configuration agents of Control-M/Server and Control-M for z/OS, and handles requests from Control-M Configuration Manager client.


Monitors critical batch services when your site uses the Control-M Batch Impact Manager Add-on.

Forecast Server

Helps you simulate job patterns to validate the schedules for running jobs on a future date. This is supported when your site uses the Control-M/Forecast Add-on.

Self Service Server

Monitors Self Service services when your site uses the Control-M Self Service Add-on.

Web Server

Provides web access for the following web applications using HTTP protocol:

  • Control-M Self Service
  • Web Launch
  • Control-M Batch Impact Manager web client
  • Control-M Workload Change Manager

Parent Topic

Control-M/Enterprise Manager