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cli utility

The Command Line Interface (cli) utility is a batch utility that enables you to perform the following operations (services) from the command line:

The cli utility can be used on UNIX and Windows computers. The cli utility is installed automatically on Windows computers during installation of the Control-M/EM Gateway, GUI server, and Control-M Configuration Manager components. To run the cli utility, see Running the cli utility.

Many of the tasks performed by the cli utility can also be performed using Control‑M client. However, by including a utility command in the command line of a job processing definition, you can run the utility at a predetermined time or under a predetermined set of conditions without being present.

You can make multiple requests in a single operation. Each service requires its own service name and includes all the relevant service parameters that follow it.

Some of the parameter names changed for Control-M version 8.0.00 and above. Terminology from previous versions is still supported.

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