The following table describes Control-M/EM general system parameters in the CCM.
Parameter |
Description |
act_chk_inpermitt_gcs_gui |
Do not modify this parameter unless requested by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: N |
AllowListEMUserNames |
Determines whether users can view a list of user names (used by Control-M for AFT configuration plug-in). Valid values:
AllowReportViewing |
Used to specify who has authorization to view BMC Batch Impact Manager reports. Valid values:
AllowQueryDBFieldValues |
Determines whether users can view existing database values. Valid values:
AllowQueryFieldValues |
Allows user to indicate whether the Available Values option is displayed for selected fields in What If dialogs. Valid values:
ApplyAnnotationForAuditContext |
Specifies the activities that require user annotations. Valid values:
AuditCleanupIntervalMinutes |
When cleanup of audit information from the Control-M/EM database is automatic, this parameter specifies the interval, in minutes, at which the GUI Server performs its cleanup operations. Valid values: 60 and up Default: 360 (minutes) |
AuditCleanupOn |
Specifies whether cleanup of audit information from the Control-M/EM database should occur automatically. Note: When automatic cleanup of audit information is activated, the GUI Server first waits the specified number of minutes (as specified in the AuditCleanupIntervalMinutes system parameter) before cleaning the auditing table the first time. Valid values:
Default: 1 |
AuditFullDefinitionChanges |
Determines whether to audit all changes to the job definition when it is updated. Valid values: 0,1 Default: 1 - Audit all changes when job definition is updated |
AuditHistoryDays |
When cleanup of audit information from the Control-M/EM database is automatic, this parameter specifies the number of days that audit information is retained before being cleaned from the Control-M/EM database. Minimum values: 1 Default: 7 |
AuthenticationMethod |
Name of the external authentication plug-in. Default: null (for internal Control-M/EM authentication) |
AutomaticOrderMethodByDefault |
Determines whether the default for folders that are created by Order Method is automatic or manual. Valid values:
Default: 1 |
bulk_def_size |
Default bulk size for database bulk operation. Valid values: 10-10000 Default: 100 |
bulk_def_storage_len |
Default value for storage length in bulk operation. Must be at least as long as the longest field involved in the bulk operation. Default: 264 |
ChallengeResponseTimeout |
Time interval in seconds after the server issues a request and receives a response from the client. If a response is not received during this interval, the server sends a FAILURE message and terminates the communication. Default: 60 |
CGSCommUserIGd |
Defines the ID that GCS uses to identify itself to Convrol-M. This user must be defined in the Control-M with add or delete condition privileges. Valid values:<String expression>. Default: GCSERV |
CmsCtmNGRefreshInterval |
Sets the refresh interval in seconds for collecting host group data. Valid values: 0-10000 (0 -host group data is not collected) Default: 900 |
CTMSyncExceptions |
Excludes folders from automatic synchronization (upload/download/delete) by the Gateway where the synchronization mode is set to No Synchronization. If the Control-M synchronization mode is set to Update Control-M/Server and Control-M/EM and this parameter is defined as "A*,B*" folders that start with A or B are not downloaded automatically from Control-M/Server to Control-M/EM and are not uploaded automatically from Control-M/EM to Control-M/Server. You can set this parameter for each Control-M/Server separately or for all (*). Valid values: A valid regular expression (see Pattern matching strings). Default: Empty (no exceptions). If you modify the value, you must recycle the GUI Server and the Gateway components. |
DatabaseCheckInterval |
Amount of time between database availability checks by certain server components. Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 10 |
DatabasePoolSize |
Determines the maximum number of connections to the database retained in the connection pool of each server component. Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 5 |
DatabaseRetries |
The maximum number of attempts by a server component to perform certain actions with the database. Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 10 |
DatabaseRetryInterval |
The amount of time between the attempts set in DatabaseRetries. Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 10 |
DefaultAverageTime |
Average run time for jobs with no statistics. This value is often used if no statistics are available. Valid values: Any valid time, entered in the following format: MM:SS Default: 00:05 |
DefaultCTMExcludeRBC |
Determines Excluded Rule-based Calendar (RBC) support in a newly defined Control-M/Server. The value is overridden by the value set in the Control-M/Server system parameter EXCLUDE_RBC_ENABLED. Valid values:
Default: Y If this feature was disabled during the fix pack installation, you need to change RBC names that start with ! and run the perl script from the <scripts> directory. |
DeleteChunkSize |
Maximum number of rows to be deleted by a single SQL statement, used by purge_runinfo and erase_audit_data scripts. Default: 10,000 Valid values: A whole number equal to or greater than 1. |
DirectoryServiceAuth |
Determines the Directory Service mode for authentication purposes. Valid values:
Default: Off |
DirectoryServerHostPort |
The full domain name of the host on which the LDAP server is installed and the port on which to communicate with the LDAP server. Format: full domain name:port number Example: CTMhost1.DOMAIN1.level1:389 Default: <null> Note: Multiple LDAP servers can be defined. This enables Control-M/EM to perform authentication against backup LDAP servers when the primary server is unavailable. |
DirectorySearchUserDN |
Stores the LDAP Domain Name (DN) credentials for a special user who has read access to the directory. This parameter is mandatory if the value of the DirectoryServiceType parameter is Active Directory, otherwise it is optional. If no value is used, the parameter value is interpreted as an anonymous user (Default). Valid values:Either the URL notated definition of the user ID or its DN. Example:
DirectorySearchUserPwd |
Stores the LDAP password for the search user defined in the DirectorySearchUserDN parameter who has read access to the directory. Optional if the value of the DirectorySearchUserID parameter is empty or anonymous. Valid Values: The value is an encrypted password string. which is entered into the parameter value field as regular text and is then converted to an encrypted string before being stored in the database. Thereafter, the displayed value is the encrypted string whenever the parameter is accessed in the System Parameters window. If no value is used, the parameter value is interpreted as blank (Default). |
DirectoryServiceType |
Defines the LDAP directory type or vendor that is available to the enterprise, for example, Active Directory, iPlanet, Apache Directory. This definition points to the relevant parameter load section in the DirectoryServiceType.cfg configuration file in the ctm_em/etc. The value of this parameter should be listed in this file. By default, two default directory service types (Active Directory and iPlanet) are provided in the configuration file. The default value of this parameter is Active Directory. |
DirectoryServiceValidation |
Determines the validation level of Directory Service parameters when connecting to LDAP. Valid values:
Default: 1 Refresh type: manual The best configuration duration time can be achieved by setting this parameter to bypass validation actions during Control-M/EM startup or LDAP activation. This can be done after validating your configuration at least once to ascertain that all the configuration values are valid. |
DirectoryServerProtocol |
Determines the security level of communication with the Directory Server. Valid values:
Default: TCP |
DirectoryUsersSearchRoot |
Defines the starting point (domain, country, and so on) in the directory tree structure. The domain name values in this field supports both dot separated or DN format, For example, "" or "c=us, o=acme, dc=root". You can define multiple starting leafs by separating them with colons (":"). The lookup order is from left to right, according to the domain list order. If the value of this parameter is NULL then a default value will be used, only if the DirectorySearchUserDN parameter is not blank. The DirectoryUsersSearchRoot parameter can only be left blank if the DirectorySearchUserDN has a configured value. The default value of DirectoryUsersSearchRoot is the domain of the search user. For example, if the DirectorySearchUserDN parameter value is "[email protected]", then the default value of DirectoryUsersSearchRoot parameter would be "". |
EmailServer |
Defines the E-mail server that is used to send notifications emails to Control-M Workload Change Manager end users. |
EnableIdleTimeTimer |
Enables automatic closure of Viewpoints in the Monitoring domain after a set period of time with no activity (mouse click or keyboard press). To set the time interval, see IdleTimeTimerInterval system parameter. Valid Values:
Default: 0 |
EnableLoadBalancerRouter |
Enables you to define a third party Network Load Balancer Router, which sends the jobs to specific Control-M/Agents according to its own load balancing definitions. Valid Values:
Default: False |
EnableRemoteBrowsing |
Enables you to browse for a script in a file system on a Control-M/Agent node from the job properties pane. Valid values:
Default: Y |
HandleAlertsOnRerun |
Determines how to handle alerts when a job is rerun. Valid values:
Default: 0 |
HostPort |
Host name and port number for a specified component. This parameter can have multiple values, each related to a different component or a different host computer. Default: null Format: host name:port number Example: CTMhost1:1530 Note: See HostPortList below. |
I18N |
Indicates whether the system is configured for CJK languages or Latin1 languages. Warning: This parameter is automatically set during installation, according to the specified choices, and must not be changed manually. For more information, see Control-M Installation Valid values:
Default: latin1 or cjk |
IdleTimeTimerInterval |
Defines the time interval in minutes which automatically closes Viewpoints in the Monitoring domain after a set period of time with no activity (mouse click or keyboard press). |
Language |
Language for the Control-M/EM application. These values are not case-sensitive. Valid values:
Default: use_account_locale |
LimitGCDistribActivate |
Enables and disables limitations on the distribution of global conditions using the Global Conditions Distribution facility. Valid values:
conditions according to limitations defined using the LimitGCSDistribMaxDays and LimitGCSDistribExcludeDates parameters.
limitations on the distribution of global conditions. Default: _1 |
LimitGCDistribExcludeDates |
Dates for which global conditions are distributed, regardless of limitations specified using the LimitGCSDistribMaxDays parameter. Dates are specified in mmdd format and separated with commas. Default: STAT |
LimitGCDistribMaxDays |
The range of days within which conditions can be distributed. Valid values: 1-28 Default: 7 |
LMGUI_Communication_Cfg |
License Manager address. Not yet implemented. Default: null |
LockAccountForMinutes |
Time interval, in minutes, after which an account that was automatically locked is automatically unlocked. (Accounts locked by an administrator are not unlocked automatically.) If set to 0, the account is not automatically unlocked but an administrator can manually unlock it. Valid values:Positive integer values Default: 0 |
MainEMServiceContext |
Determines the logical name context of GUI Server that the Control-M Self Service Web server must connect to. Valid values: GUI Server logical name Default: Empty |
MaxDaysAlertRetained |
Defines the number of days the alert is retained in the database. Default: 30 |
MaxAuditsToDelete |
When cleanup of audit information from the Control-M/EM database is automatic, this parameter specifies the maximum number of audit records to delete during each automatic cleanup operation. If the number of audit records to clean is higher than this number, no records are deleted and a message is issued to the GUI Server diagnostic log asking you to clean audit records manually using the erase_audit_data script. Valid values:Positive integer values Default: 2000 |
MaxPasswordLength |
The maximum number of characters for user passwords. Note: If a Control-M administrator uses the Authorization facility to set a password, this parameter is ignored. Valid values: Any value between the MinPasswordLength and 32 (inclusive). Default: 32 |
MinPasswordLength |
The minimum number of characters for user passwords. Note: If a Control-M administrator uses the Authorization facility to set a password, this parameter is ignored. Valid values: Any value between 1 and the MaxPasswordLength (inclusive). Default: 6 |
NrHandledAlarms |
The maximum number of handled alerts saved in the database (in addition to not-yet-handled alerts). Valid Values:Positive integer values Default: 2000 Note: When set to 0, there is no maximum number of handled alerts, and they will be deleted if they pass the threshold defined in MaxDaysAlertRetained parameter value. |
NumberOfFailedLogins |
The number of sequential failed logins after which an account is locked. Valid values: 0-100 Default: 0 (indicates that “automatic account locking” is not enabled and accounts are never automatically locked). |
NumberOfPasswordReplacements |
The number of password changes that must occur before a password can be reused (if PasswordHistoryOnOff is set to 1). Note: If a Control-M administrator uses the Authorization facility to set a password, this parameter is ignored. Valid values: 1-20 Default: 10 |
NumberOfReportDays |
Determines the number of days to keep report data in the database for generating reports about services. Valid values: 2 and higher Default: 90 |
NumberOfReportDaysHistory |
Determines the number of days to keep history report data in the database for generating history of services. Valid values: 2 and higher Default: 90 |
OutputAutoLoadLimit |
Determines the size of output data that Control-M loads automatically. If the output data size exceeds the threshold, then the user is prompted to save the output data in a separate temporary file. Default: 10000000 |
PasswordComplexityOnOff |
Indicates if passwords need to comply with complexity rules. Note: If a Control-M administrator uses the Authorization facility to set a password, this parameter is ignored. Valid values:
Default: 0 |
PasswordComplexityRules |
One, some, or all of the following values separated by a blank space. Multiple values are joined by AND logic. Note: If a Control-M administrator uses the Authorization facility to set a password, this parameter is ignored. Valid values:
PasswordEncode |
Indicates how user passwords are transmitted by clients to the server. Valid values:
Default: 2 |
PasswordExpirationOnOff |
Determines whether password expiration parameters should be checked. Valid values:
Note: When set to 0, other password expiration parameters can be edited but are ignored.
Default: 0 |
PasswordHistoryOnOff |
Determines whether password history is recorded. Note: If a Control-M administrator uses the Authorization facility to set a password, this parameter is ignored. Valid values:
Default: 0 |
PasswordLifetimeDays |
Determines the number of days before the password expires. Used in the password expiration date computation by the set_pwd_def_lifetime script. Valid values: 1 - 365 Default: 60 |
PermitManualUnlock |
This parameter specifies whether non-administrators can manually unlock their own tables (for example, if tables are locked during an abnormal disconnect from the GUI Server). Non-administrators will not be able to unlock other users’ tables. Valid values:
Default: 1 |
ProxyNewsfeedHostPort |
Determines the host and port of the proxy server for all users connecting to the Newsfeed through a proxy server. Valid values: <host>:<port> Example: Venus:13888 Default: Empty |
RemoteBrowseEntriesMaxLimit |
Determines the maximum number of objects (files-directories) that are allowed for a Remote Browsing request. Valid values: Any whole integer Default: 1000 |
RFAllowReportForJobLevelAuth |
Determines whether to allow users with job level authorizations to generate reports from the Reporting Facility. Valid values:
Default: Y |
RunTimeDeleteHistChunkSize |
Indicates the maximum number of rows in the database of historical data to be deleted, each time a deletion is performed. Valid values:Positive integer values Default: 25000 Note: This system parameter is relevant only if Control-M/Forecast is installed. |
RunTimeDeleteHistInterval |
Interval in seconds between the deletion of historical records. Valid values:Positive integer values Default: 21600 Note: This system parameter is relevant only if Control-M/Forecast is installed. |
SendAlarmToScript |
Full path name of the script that is activated when an alert is generated. This script is activated only if the value of SendSnmp is either 1 or 2. Valid values:Full path name of the script that is activated when an alert is generated. Default: script_name When Alert data is sent as input to a script, the parameters are sent in the following format: call_type: "<call_type>" alert_id: "<alert_id> " data_center: "<data_center> " memname: "<memname> " order_id: "<order_id>" severity: "<severity>" status: "<status> " send_time: "<send_time>" last_user: "<last_user> " last_time: "<last_time> " message: "<message>" run_as: "<run_as>" sub_application: "<sub_application> " application: "<application> " job_name: "<job_name> " host_id: "<host_id> " alert_type: "<alert_type>" closed_from_em: "<closed_from_em> " ticket_number: "<ticket_number> " run_counter: "<run_counter> " notes: “<notes>” Note: The last data field is visible only if the SendAlertNotesSnmp parameter is set to 1, and in Control-M/EM 7.0.00 fix pack 2 and later. Example for testing SNMP traps when enabling this parameter On UNIX: #!/bin/sh echo $* > /tmp/snmptest.out On Windows: echo %* > c:\snmptest.out Note: On Windows, double back-slashes should be used as a delimiter. |
SendAlertNotesSnmp |
Specifies whether Alerts NOTES data field text should be sent to SNMP and script. Valid values:
Default: 0 Note: The SendAlertNotesSnmp parameter is available for Control-M/EM 7.0.00 fix pack 2 and later. |
SendSnmp |
Indicates where Alert data is to be sent.
Valid values: Valid hostname or ip address. Default: 0 Note: Alert data is sent to SNMP (values 0 or 2) only if the value of the SnmpSendActive parameter is set to 1. |
ShowNewsfeedDomain |
Determines whether the Newsfeed domain appears in the Control-M client. Valid values:
Default: 1 |
SnmpHost |
Host name or list of host names (if a list, using semi-colons (;) as delimiters) to send the SNMP trap on an alert. Specific ports can be set using a colon (:) as a delimiter. Valid values:Valid hostname or ip address Default: <no_host> Example: dhost1;jhost2;myhost3:2000 |
SnmpSendActive |
Determines whether SNMP messages for Active Alerts are generated. Valid values. Valid values:
Default: 0 |
UnsupportedClientVersions |
For BMC Software Customer Support use only. Valid values: List of releases separated by semicolons. For example,; Default: 0 |
UserAuditContext |
Specifies the activities that are audited and recorded. Valid values:
UserAuditOn |
Indicates if the user will be required to enter details about the type of operation being performed and the reason for its performance, which will be saved as an annotation to the audit report, before completing the operation. UserAuditOn must be defined as 1 for UserAuditAnnotationOn to activate. Valid values:
Default: 0 Refresh Type: Manual |
UseLDAPModeOnly |
Specifies that users can only use LDAP authentication and disables the users from creating local users in the CCM. If this system parameter is set to yes, all enable LDAP authentication checkboxes in the CCM are checked by default and disabled, so that users cannot change this option Valid values:
Default: No |
VMAdditionalJobsRelateFields |
Additional job related key fields to be defined by a user. BMC Software recommends that you not use the same job name (or mem name, in Control-M for z/OS) for multiple jobs. If you use the same name for multiple jobs, use this field to identify additional key fields that Control-M/EM can use to distinguish between different jobs with the same name/mem name, so as not to confuse or switch their job histories. A space must be used as a delimiter between key field values: HOST_ID OWNER CMD_LINE Recommended Values: DESCRIPTION, MEM_LIB, HOST_ID, OWNER, DAYS_CAL, WEEKS_CAL, CONF_CAL, CMD_LINE, FROM_TIME, TO_TIME, ACTIVE_FROM, ACTIVE_TILL Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: <empty> Refresh Type: Manual |
VMVersionsNumberToKeep |
The number of versions of the job to keep, including the current version. Note: A job version is deleted only when all of the following are true:
BMC Software recommends not setting a value greater than 30 because of possible performance degradation. To deactivate version history, set the parameter to 1 (keep current version only). Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 0. Default: 2 (current version, and one history version) Refresh Type: Manual |
WarningPasswordExpirationDays |
Number of days prior to password expiration during which a warning message is generated when certain utilities or scripts are run or a successful logon occurs. Valid values: 0-90 Default: 0 (no warning is generated) |
WarningSSLExpirationDays |
Number of days prior to certificate expiration during which the GUI server generates a warning message in the CCM. Valid values: 1-365 Default: 60 |
AlertOnAbend |
Flag that indicates whether alerts are (1) or are not (0) sent for jobs that end NOTOK. Valid values:
Default: 1 |
CollectzOSUserDaily |
Specifies whether the Gateway automatically requests updates from Control-M for z/OS for the following information:
The information is saved in the Control-M/EM database. Valid values:
Default: 1 |
CommCtmBufferSize |
The number of bytes buffered in Gateway that are waiting to be sent to the Control/M Server. If the number of bytes are exceeded, communication with Control/M Server is terminated. Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 1,000,000. Default: 10,000,000 |
CommEMBufferSize |
The number of bytes buffered in Gateway that are waiting to be sent to other EM Servers. Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 1,000,000. Default: 10,000,000 |
ConsiderDSN |
Specifies whether the ordering job and table keys (used when sending job ordering information from Control-M for z/OS to the Gateway) includes dataset names. Typically, the dataset name is changed for each job order. Valid values:
Default: 1 |
DeltaMaxActMinutes |
Age, in minutes, for a net to be considered valid for distribution of Global Conditions. Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 300. Default: 2160 |
DownCreAlerts |
Flag that indicates whether to send alerts for downloaded jobs that end NOTOK when they are run. Note: AlertOnAbend must be set to 1 for DownCreAlert to be operational. Valid values:
Default: 1 |
For MVS data centers: This parameter defines the EBCDIC code page to which ASCII data is translated. Valid values:
Default: 0 |
GatewayDefaultTraceOptions |
Enables you to set command line trace options for multiple gateways. Note: If a gateway already has a trace option specified, the GatewayDefaultTraceOptions parameter value is ignored. Valid values: All Gateway trace option parameters Default: <empty> |
GtwCondDispatchErr |
For Customer Support use only. Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: CTM5050 CTM5301 CTM5311 CTM5312 CTM5323 |
GtwNumUpdateThreads |
Only available if GtwParallelProcessingMode is on. *(See below). The number of threads in the multi-thread processing mode is indicated by the value of this parameter. Valid values: 2-16 Default: 2 |
GtwParallelProcessingMode |
Enables multi-threading processing mode. The value off indicates single-thread processing. Valid values:
Default: on |
HostPortList |
Listening port host name and port number for gateways. Format: Control-M_name1=host1:port1;Control-M_name2=host2:port2 Default: null Note: This parameter is overridden by the HostPort parameter. See “HostPort” above. |
InsertAlertTries |
Number of times that the gateway attempts to insert an alert into Control-M/EM. The number includes the initial attempt. Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 1. Default: 10 |
MaxDownHistDays |
Number of days that the list of downloads is saved. This list contains abbreviated information about each download, such as date and time, net name, and number of downloaded jobs and resources. Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 10. Default: 100 |
MaxOldDay |
Downloads are kept in the Control-M/EM database for not more than the number of days specified in this parameter. Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 0. Default: 2 Note: The number of downloads stored in the database is never more than the smaller of the MaxOldDay value and the MaxOldTotal value. |
MaxOldTotal |
Number of downloads that can be stored in a Control-M/EM database. If this number is exceeded, the oldest download is deleted. Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 1. Default: 4 |
MaxUploadBufferMPM |
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 60000 |
MaxUploadBufferMVS |
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 60000 |
MultiByte_cp |
Determines what MultiByte code page Gateway uses to translate when sending data to a Control-M/Server of type z/OS. Valid values: Any valid CJK EBCDIC code page |
restricted_cm_admin |
Determines whether a non-administrator can access and update application plug-in connection profiles. Valid values:
Default: 0 For more information see Authorizing non-administrators to manage application plug-in connection profiles. |
RunInfoErrorLevel |
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 0 |
RunInfoIgnoreDevCnt |
Indicates the maximum and minimum length of elapsed run time between calculation discards. Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater that 0. Default: 2 |
RunInfoMaxSamples |
Indicates the maximum number of run samples to be kept per job. Valid values: Any whole number between 1 and 165. Default: 20 |
RunInfoProcRecords |
Maximum number of run detail records processed in one loop. Valid values: Any whole number between 10 and 10000. Default: 100 |
RunInfoUpdCtx |
Configures the context in which run information is processed. Valid values:
Default: 1 |
RunInfoWaitInterval |
Interval in seconds between processing of run details in the Gateway. Valid values: Any whole number between 1 and 100. Default: 10 |
SSLRetries |
Number of times Control-M/EM attempts to establish communication with the gateway before turning SSL on or off. SSL can either be enabled or disabled when Control-M/EM initially tries to connect to the gateway. After making the specified number of attempts, SSL is toggled on or off (as required). This parameter is relevant only when SSL Enabled communication is selected. It does not work when only TCP/IP is selected. Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 1. Default: 2 |
SSLSyncTime |
Replaces the value of the Sync_Timeout parameter (in the Defaults.rsc file) that determines the period of time between attempts to establish communication with the gateway when changing the communication protocol to SSL Enabled. Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 45. Default: 90 |
Parent Topic |