The following table lists the Gateway parameters:
Parameter |
Description |
AlertOnAbend |
Indicates whether alerts are (1) or are not (0) sent for jobs that end NOTOK. Valid Values: 0 - Alerts are not created. 1 - Alerts are created Default: 1 |
AlertOnAbendTableEntity |
Determines whether to create an alert for a SMART folder that ended NOT OK. Valid Values:
Default: N |
AlertOnAbendUrgency |
Defines the urgency level for Gateway alerts for jobs that end with the status Ended Not OK. NOTE: Recycle the gateway for new settings to take effect Default: Very Urgent |
CollectzOSUserDaily |
Specifies whether the Gateway automatically requests updates from Control-M for z/OS for the following information: ordered jobs table list user daily list The information is saved in the Control-M/EM database. Valid Values: 0 - No requests are sent. 1 - Requests are sent Default: 1 |
CommCtmBufferSize |
The number of bytes buffered in Gateway that are waiting to be sent to the Control/M Server. If the number of bytes are exceeded, communication with Control/M Server is terminated. Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 1000000. Default: 50000000 |
CommEMBufferSize |
The number of bytes buffered in Gateway that are waiting to be sent to other EM Servers. If the number of bytes are exceeded in GSR or GCS components, communication with Control/M Server is terminated. Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 1000000. Default: 10000000 |
ConsiderDSN |
Specifies whether the ordering job and table keys (used when sending job ordering information from Control-M for z/OS to the Gateway) includes dataset names. Typically, the dataset name is changed for each job order. Valid values: 0 - Do not include the dataset name 1 - Include the dataset name Default: 1 |
CTMSyncInterval |
Determine the number of seconds between for each automatic synchronization interval per Control-M. Default: 1800 |
DeltaMaxActMinutes |
Age, in minutes, for a net to be considered valid for distribution of Global Conditions. Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 300. Default: 2160 |
DownCreAlerts |
Flag that indicates whether to send alerts for downloaded jobs that end NOTOK when they are run. Note: AlertOnAbend must be set to 1 for DownCreAlert to be operational. Valid values: 0 - Alerts are not sent. 1 - Alerts are sent. Default: 1 |
For MVS data centers: This parameter defines the EBCDIC code page to which ASCII data is translated. Valid values: 0 - Instructs the gateway to use the translation table that was used by the previous version. 1047 for English (USA) 285 for English (British) 273 for German 297 for French 284 for Spanish Default: 0 |
GatewayDefaultTraceOptions |
Enables you to set command line trace options for multiple gateways. NOTE: If a gateway already has a trace option specified, the GatewayDefaultTraceOptions parameter value is ignored. Valid values: All Gateway trace option parameters Default: <empty> |
GtwCondDispatchErr |
Valid values:Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: CTM5050 CTM5301 CTM5311 CTM5312 CTM5323 |
HostPortList |
List of logical names of CONTROL‑M data centers that are connected to Control‑M/EM. Valid values: The host name and port number, entered in the following format:<host>:<port>. Default: null |
GtwNumUpdateThreads |
Only available if GtwParallelProcessingMode is on (see below). The number of threads in the multi-thread processing mode is indicated by the value of this parameter. Valid values: 2-16 Default: 2 |
GtwParallelProcessingMode |
Enables multi-threading processing mode. The value off indicates single-thread processing. Valid values: on off Default: 0 |
HostPortList |
Listening port host name and port number for gateways. Valid values: The host name and port number, entered in the following format:<host>:<port>. Default: null |
InsertAlertTries |
Number of times that the gateway attempts to insert an alert into Control‑M/EM. The number includes the initial attempt and can be any whole number equal to or greater than 1. Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instucted to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 10 |
MaxDownHistDays |
Number of days that the list of downloads is saved. This list contains abbreviated information about each download, such as date and time, net name, and number of downloaded jobs and resources. Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 0. Default: 100 |
MaxDailyRerunInfo |
Defines the number of runs per day the gateway will keep in the history table for each job. Default: -1 (No limit Valid values: Any whole number equal to or greater than 1 |
MaxOldDay |
Downloads are kept in the Control‑M/EM database for not more than the number of days specified in this parameter. Valid values: Any whole number that is greater than 0. Default: 2 NOTE: The number of downloads stored in the database is never more than the smaller of the MaxOldDay value and the MaxOldTotal value. |
MaxOldTotal |
Number of downloads that can be stored in a Control‑M/EM database. If this number is exceeded, the oldest download is deleted. Valid values: Any number that is greater than 0. Default: 4 |
MaxUploadBufferMPM |
Valid values:Do not change this paramater unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 60000 |
MaxUploadBufferMVS |
For Customer Support use only. Default: 60000 |
MultiByte_cp |
Determines what MultiByte code page Gateway uses to translate when sending data to a Control-M/Server of type z/OS. Valid values: Any valid CJK EBCDIC code page |
RunInfoErrorLevel |
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 0 |
RunInfoIgnoreDevCnt |
Indicates the maximum and minimum length of elapsed run time between calculation discards. Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 2 |
RunInfoMaxSamples |
Indicates the maximum number of run samples to be kept per job. Valid values:Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Customer Support. Default: 20 |
RunInfoProcRecords |
Maximum number of run detail records processed in one loop. Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 100 |
RunInfoUpdCtx |
Configures the context in which run information is processed. Valid values: 0 - Gateway main thread 1 - Separate thread Default: 1 |
RunInfoWaitInterval |
Interval in seconds between processing of run details in the Gateway. Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 10 |
SSLRetries |
Number of times Control‑M/EM attempts to establish communication with the gateway before turning SSL on or off. SSL can either be enabled or disabled when Control‑M/EM initially tries to connect to the gateway. After making the specified number of attempts, SSL is toggled on or off (as required). This parameter is relevant only when SSL Enabled communication is selected. It does not work when only TCP/IP is selected Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 2 |
SSLSyncTime |
Replaces the value of the Sync_Timeout parameter (in the Defaults.rsc file) that determines the period of time between attempts to establish communication with the gateway when changing the communication protocol to SSL Enabled. Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 90 |
StatCollection4Distributed |
Determines which job properties field is used to collect statistics for distributed jobs. Default:JOBNAME |
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