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Control-M/Agent utilities

Agent utilities that run on a Windows computer by a user other than the administrator may not have access to certain data or functions. Agent utilities that run on a UNIX computer can be run by users other than the agent account owner, after the user has loaded the agent account environment. For more information, see Running Control-M/Agent utilities as other users on UNIX.

All Control-M/Agent utilities support the -agent <agent name> parameter. The variable <agent name> represents the name of the Control-M/Agent specified during the installation procedure.

Where multiple Control-M/Agents reside on a computer, the -agent parameter determines which Control-M/Agent will manage the utility. If the ctmagcfg or ag_diag_comm utilities are run without specifying the -agent parameter, the user is prompted to select the Control-M/Agent. For all other utilities, if the -agent parameter is not specified, the default Control-M/Agent is used.

EXAMPLE: Assume a computer has two Agents, Default and Saturn. To add a user to Default, use the following command:

ctmpwd -action add -user user2 -password 123456 -agent Default


ctmpwd -action add -user user2 -password 123456

EXAMPLE: To add a user to Saturn, use the following command:

ctmpwd -action add -user saturn_user2 -password 123456 -agent Saturn

Parent Topic

Considerations for running utilities