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Running Control-M/Agent utilities as other users on UNIX

This procedure describes how to run Control-M/Agent utilities as other users on UNIX.

To run the Control-M/Agent utilities as other users on UNIX:

  1. Add one of the following environment variables:
  2. Give group <controlm> read permission to all folders, subfolders, and files under the following path:

    <control-m directory>ctm_agent/ctm/data/SSL

  3. Make sure that the group <controlm> has read and execution permission to the files in <control-m directory>ctm_agent/ctm/exe

    NOTE: All users that require access to Control-M utilities must belong to the same primary group <controlm> as the Control-M/Agent.

NOTE: Use this procedure for all Agent utilities other than Agent configuration utilities, as BMC recommends that only the Control-M/Agent user be enabled to change the Agent configuration.

Parent Topic

Introduction to Utilities