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Default Control-M/EM config.ini file

#categories="OS DB LOG" #this is only an example. Update to the desired categories list. Make sure there is a blank space between each one and only use upper case

#profiles="DB ENV" #this is only an example. Update to the desired profiles list. Make sure there is a blank space between each one and only use upper case

#products="EM BIM FOR CTM AG CMSAP CMOAP CMWJM" #this is only an example. Update to the desired products list. Make sure there is a blank space between each one and only use upper case

batch_mode="n" # lower case "y" or "n"

max_size="50" #max files size

days="2" #time period (days) to collect data

ctmname="%%hostname" #default is local host name

gsrname="%%hostname" #default is local host name

bimname="%%hostname" #default is local host name

hidden="dbo_pwd dba_pwd" #Hidden properties should be defined only through command line!

Theoretically, you could completely customize config.ini before any given run or set of runs of Health Check utility. This would enable you to launch a non-default run by entering a command such as the following:

em_data_collector -U <dbo_user> -P <dbo_pwd>

However, in general, you would probably modify config.ini only to specify changes to global parameters such as the following:

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Health Check