cli additional parameters

The following additional parameters are applicable to the cli parameters:




Defines the Control-M name.


Specify either as: MMDD or YYYYMMDD.

<Odate> may also be ODAT for Control-M version 6.0.00 or later (Order or Force Folder in the Original Scheduling Date)

If the -DDMM is specified, <Odate> can be specified as DDMM or DDMMYYYY


Valid values are:

  • RECENT: Orders/forces a job into the recent SMART Folder that was previously ordered
  • NEW: Orders/forces a job into a new folder
  • STANDALONE: Orders/Forces a job as a standalone job
  • <TableID>: Orders/forces a job/subfolder into a specified folder


Specify if <folder> is RECENT or <TableID>, otherwise do not specify.

Specify one of the following values:

  • N - Do not allow duplication of the job.
  • Y - Allow duplication of the job.


Determines whether you should wait for the Order date to run the job.

  • For Control-M for Z/OS this field is Mandatory. Valid values are:

Y - Wait for Order date to run job.

N - Run the job immediately.

For Control-M for Distributed Systems this field is optional. If omitted,the job runs immediately. If not omitted, the only valid value is Wait_Odate, which means wait for Order date to run the job.


Enables you to hold all jobs immediately after they are ordered.

Specify one of the following values:

  • N - Order/Force the job in a free state.
  • Y or With_Hold - Order/Force the job in a Hold state.


Determines if a flow in a folder is ordered uniquely. This is only relevant if you are ordering a single folder created in Control-M/EM version 8.0.00 and above. A unique suffix is added to every condition name.

Valid values:

  • Yes
  • No


(Control-M for z/OS only) Defines the name of the library in which the folder is located.


Indicates whether the calendar is a Rule Based Calendar (RBC). Values:

  • N: Not an RBC (default)
  • Y: Is an RBC

Parent Topic

cli utility