Creating a new database on an existing Sybase server

The following procedure describes how to create a new Control-M Sybase database on an existing Sybase database server. The existing Sybase database server must be running during the creation of the Control-M/EM database.

If you are recreating an existing Sybase database that was corrupted, you must first perform a cleanup of the corrupted database components. For more information, see Cleaning up existing database.

To create a new database on an existing Sybase server:

  1. Obtain the System Administrator password.
  2. Obtain a database name, a System Administrator logon name, and a System Administrator password for the new Control-M/EM database. Use the sp_helpdb command on the remote server to verify that the database name is unique for the Sybase database server.

    When creating more than one database on the same Sybase database server, the database name and the database owner name must be unique for each database.

  3. Verify that the device file you want to define does not exist by running the following command on the remote server:

    ls filename .

  4. Use the following command on the remote server to check the values of the parameters in the following table: sp_configure ’<parameterName>’. If you change any of these parameters, the change is not implemented until you restart the database.

    A build_db log is created in the home directory of the Control-M for Databases account:

    <homeDir> BMCINSTALL/log/DRXX.<versionNumber>_user.log

    <homeDir> is the path of the Control-M for Databases user and <versionNumber> is the Control-M for Databases version number.

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