This procedure describes how to clean up an existing Sybase database.
To clean up an existing database:
Log on to the Sybase database server as the sa user.
Use the sp_helpdb command to determine if the database exists.
If the database exists, use the following command to drop (remove) the database and database owner (DBO):
drop database <databaseName>
sp_droplogin <dboName>
Use the following command to check which devices were dropped from the server:
If data or log devices associated with the Control-M database are still listed, drop them using the following command:
sp_dropdevice <deviceName>
Delete the files, if any, that are associated with the dropped elements.
Creating a Sybase database on an existing database server
Prepare the information you will need for running the build_db utility. Parameters for this utility are listed in the table below.
From the command line of the account on which the existing Sybase database server resides, enter the command: build_db/
When asked to select the "Control-M component for which you want to install the Sybase component", select Control-M/Enterprise Manager.
Select the Existing build database mode to create an empty Control-M/EM database on an existing Sybase database server. The name and location of the existing Sybase database server and the system administrator’s name and password must be specified.
Follow the instructions on the screen, filling in the prompts as necessary. Upon completion, the following message is displayed:
Installation of Control-M Sybase database component completed successfully.