This procedure describes how to create a service rule, which enables you to manually or automatically generate services for jobs.
To create a service rule:
The Service Definition Manager window appears.
The Service Rule wizard appears.
The Selection window appears.
For a detailed description of these fields, see Parameters. If you want more job filters, select More.
The Grouping window appears.
For each grouping field, you can determine whether the grouping is according to the entire value of the field, or according to the first or last letters of the field's value.
EXAMPLE: If you group by the first 3 letters of the Application field, jobs with Application BACKUP01 and BACKUP02 will be in the same service, but jobs with Application BATCH_JOBS will be in a different service.
The Properties window appears.
The maximum character length for the service name is 200 and 400 for the description. You can use field placeholders which are replaced by actual job attributes in the generated services.
EXAMPLE: The format name Service for {Application} in {Sub-application} creates a service named Service for app1 in Sub-app1 that contains jobs with Application=app1 and Sub-application=sub-application1
If you group according to the first or last letters of the field's value, the placeholder is replaced by the first or last letter. In the first example of this procedure, Service for {Application} is replaced with Service for BAC and Service for BAT for the two generated services.
This option is only enabled if you selected Generate service per SMART Folder or Generate service per job in the Grouping window and the Active checkbox is not selected in the General window.
The generated parameters are taken from the Variables of a service's SMART Folder or job definition. This option is only enabled if the Orderable checkbox is selected.
This option is only enabled if you selected Group jobs to services according to in the Grouping window.
The service definitions are automatically created. When a job that belongs to a service rule enters Active Jobs, the service appears in Control-M Self Service.
Services that are automatically generated for active rules are maintained by the Control-M/EM server and do not appear in the Service Definition Manager window. They are only visible in Control-M Self Service.
The Review Services window appears.
The service rule is saved and appears in the Service Definition Manager.
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