ctmcreate parameters

The following table describes ctmcreate utility parameters.All other parameters (for example, cyclic job parameters) are described in Control-M Parameters.




Provides a logical name for sorting groups of jobs. This parameter is used to supply a common descriptive name to a set of related groups of jobs.


Control‑M/EM user who defined the job. String up to 64 characters. Optional.

This argument is used by the Control‑M/Server security mechanism and, under certain circumstances, cannot be modified. For more information, see the Security chapter and the description of the AuthorSecurity system parameter in GUI Server parameters.


Indicates whether the job is cyclic (to be run at regular intervals). Optional.

Valid values:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No (Default)


Determines the type of cyclic job:

  • Interval
  • Interval Sequence
  • Specific Times


A list of time intervals (for example +30M,+2H,+1D) up to 4000 characters including commas. Value range:

  • Minutes: 0-64,800
  • Hours: 0-1080
  • Days: 0-45


A list of times, separated by commas (for example 0800,1330,2300), which supports time synonym (for example 2730).


Indicates the scheduling date (odate) to be associated with job(s).

Valid values are:


The current working date of the computer on which Control‑M/Server is running.

This is the default value.


A specific working day in yyyymmdd format.

The interpretation of this parameter value is dependent on the value specified for the -odate_option parameter (described below).


Indicates how the specified -odate value should be used.

Valid values are:


The specified odate is the odate value for the job. However, the job should be run during the current working day.

This is the default value for the ‑odate_option parameter.

If a time zone is specified in the job processing definition, then the job is run according to those time zones.


The jobs that are ordered by this run of the ctmcreate utility should be run only when the specified odate begins.

If the specified odate is the current working day, this job will work in the same way as value_date (described above).

If the specified odate has not begun (for example, due to time zone specifications), then the job will wait in the Active Jobs database (with WAIT_ODAT status) until the start of the specified working day.

If the specified odate has already passed, the ctmcreate utility will not run, and an error message will be displayed.


Specifies in which order of a SMART Folder to put the job. Valid values are:


A specific order number of the SMART Folder.

If the specified order number does not exist the command is not executed and an error message is displayed.


The job is on its own (not in any folder).


The last order of the specified SMART Folder.

When an order ID or LAST is specified for this parameter, the -folder parameter is mandatory and must contain the name of a SMART Folder that is currently in the Active Jobs database.

If more than one folder already exists while creating a sub-folder in the Active Jobs database and the -FOLDER_ORD option is not specified, the folder with highest order number is chosen.


The Embedded script parameter contains the name of the file and path, which enables the embedded script to be copied from a file.


Level of debug messages, 0 to 5.

Default: 0 (no debug messages).


Indicates, if specified, that no informational messages are displayed during the execution of the command.


Name and full path of a file containing parameters for the utility. In this file, each parameter and its values (if any) are on a separate line with the same syntax they would have on the command line. Using the -input_file parameter enables you to:

  • Prepare and save files of utility parameters that can be reused.
  • Specify utility input longer than the number of characters allowed in the command line.

    -input_file ~<controlm_owner>/ctm_server/data/ctmcreate_parms.txt


Sends mail when the job run is complete. Optional.

DOMAIL urgency="R" destination="[email protected]" cc="[email protected]" subject="OK" message="Task completed OK."


Recipient of the message. String. Mandatory.


Additional recipient of the message. String. Optional.


Urgency of the message.
Valid values:

  • R (regular - Default)
  • U (urgent)
  • V (very urgent)


Brief text description of the message contents. String. Optional.


Text of the message. String. Mandatory.

attach output

Specifies at the job level whether the OUTPUT should be sent as an email attachment.

Valid values:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No
  • D – default (this means take the value from the Control-M/Server configuration file)


Maximum delay in minutes permitted for a late submission when selecting a specific time (for example 5 minutes).
Valid range: 0-999


Enables you to capture

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