If a Control-M/EM administrator uses the Authorization facility to set a password, the password complexity, length, and history requirements are ignored.
Parameter |
Description |
Action_OrderForce_AuthLevel |
Indicates if users with Browse access can order or force jobs. Valid values:
AddJobsChunkSize |
Chunk size of jobs during View Point opening. Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 1000 |
AlertsEnabled |
Determines whether Alerts Management window is enabled. Valid values:
Default: 1 |
AllowQueryDBFieldValues |
Indicates whether Available Values options are displayed for certain fields in the Properties Pane. Valid values: 0 or 1. Default: 1 (On) |
AuthenticationLevel |
NOTE: Do not change this parameter unless requested to do so by BMC Software. Valid values: 0, 1, or 2. Default: 2 |
AuthorSecurity |
Indicates whether a very strict (restrictive), strict, or lenient (permissive) security policy is enforced for submitting jobs during New Day processing. The Control-M security mechanism uses the Created By parameter and the AuthorSecurity system parameter to ensure that only authorized users can submit jobs during New Day processing. In all modes, the administrator is authorized to change the author. NOTE: If this parameter is modified, Control-M users who are offline must log on to become synchronized with the new setting. Valid values:
Default: 1 |
BIMCommLoopInterval |
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 45 |
BIMThreadPoolIdleTime |
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 30 |
BIMThreadPoolMaxSize |
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 10 |
BIMThreadPoolMinSize |
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 1 |
bulk_act_cond |
Bulk size in bulk operation for retrieve conditions. NOTE: Do not change any of the four bulk_act_xxx parameters unless requested to do so by BMC Software. Valid values: 10 -10000 Default: 250 |
bulk_act_grp |
Bulk size in bulk operation for retrieve tables. Valid values: 10- 10000 Default: 100 |
bulk_act_job |
Bulk size in bulk operation for retrieve jobs. Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 250 |
bulk_act_res |
Bulk size in bulk operation for retrieving control or quantitative resources. Valid values: 10 - 10000 Default: 50 |
bulk_bim_svc |
Determines the bulk size in bulk operation to retrieve jobs in BIM services Default: 100 NOTE:: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. |
CloseOldDownloads |
NOTE:: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Valid alues: 0 or 1 Default: 1 |
ConcurrentCollections |
The number of collections that can be read in parallel. If set to 1, collections are read serially. Increasing this number improves response time but may use more CPU resources. NOTE: If you increase the value of this parameter, monitor the system for several days, especially during periods of heavy usage, to ensure that performance is not degraded. You may want to increase the value of this parameter gradually (for example, by one or two at a time), to avoid CPU bottlenecks. After modifying this parameter, stop and restart all GUI Server components for the change to take effect. Valid values: 1-10 Default: 4 |
ControlResourceLoadLimit |
The maximum number of control resources that can be loaded into memory from the Control-M/EM database at the same time. This parameter can help control memory usage. However, if this parameter is set to -1, there is no maximum limit. Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support Default: -1 |
DelayBeforePinning |
The number of seconds before the GUI Server begins processing the pin_collection.ini file. Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 10 |
EMAPIActiveJobsLoadLimit |
The number of jobs in the Active Jobs database that are checked by the GUI Server when processing the request_act_retrieve_jobs request, and included in the request response. Valid values: from 10 to -1 (unlimited) Default: 1000 |
EMThreadPoolIdleTime |
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 30 |
EMThreadPoolMaxSize |
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 100 |
EMThreadPoolMinSize |
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 5 |
ExcludedJobFields |
Identifies fields (database columns) that should not be downloaded from the database when retrieving collections, thereby decreasing memory load and improving response time. Any or all of the following fields can be excluded. Use spaces, commas, colons, or semicolons to separate multiple entries. Warning: BMC Software recommends that you not exclude data (change the value of this parameter to 1) without first consulting BMC Software Customer Support. If you do change the value to 1, be sure to modify job processing definitions do that they do no contain excluded data. NOTE: Control-M Workload Authorization users cannot perform a find or query on excluded fields. You can modify fields to exclude by adding or removing fields in this parameter. After modifying this parameter, stop and restart all GUI Server components for the change to take effect. Valid values:
Default: null (no fields are excluded) |
ExcludeJobControlRes |
Determines whether control resources are (0) or are not (1) downloaded from the database when retrieving collections. If unneeded control resources are not downloaded, memory requirements are reduced and response time is improved. Warning: BMC Software recommends that you not exclude data (change the value of this parameter to 1) without first consulting BMC Software Customer Support. If you do change the value to 1, be sure to modify job processing definitions do that they do no contain excluded data. NOTE: Control-M users cannot perform a find or query on excluded control resources. After modifying this parameter, stop and restart all GUI Server components for the change to take effect. Valid values:
Default: 0 |
ExcludeJobQuantRes |
Determines whether quantitative resources are downloaded from the database when retrieving collections. If unneeded quantitative resources are not downloaded, memory requirements are reduced and response time is improved. Warning: BMC Software recommends that you not exclude data (change the value of this parameter to 1) without first consulting BMC Software Customer Support. If you do change the value to 1, be sure to modify job processing definitions do that they do no contain excluded data. NOTE: Control-M users cannot perform a find or query on excluded quantitative resources. After modifying this parameter, stop and restart all GUI Server components for the change to take effect. Valid values:
Default: 0 |
FailCheckDBTimeOut |
Time, in seconds, until the GUI Server checks the communication status of the database server. If communication is still down, communication is considered to be disrupted and the action specified in StopIfDBConnectionFail is implemented. NOTE: This parameter is relevant only after the GUI Server determines that communication with the database server is disrupted. After modifying this parameter, stop and restart all GUI Server components for the change to take effect. Valid values: 1-60 Default: 5 |
LimitArchiveJobsInMem |
The maximum number of archive jobs in memory per GUI Server. Valid values: Any number greater than 0. Default: 40000 |
LimitPlaybackQueueSize |
Determines the queue size limit for history playback Default: 60000 |
MaxObsoleteJobs |
NOTE: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Valid values: Any number greater than 0. Default: 100000 |
MaxUserTimeoutSec |
Time, in seconds, that a Control‑M/EM API client user token can be valid. Afterwards, the GUI Server can invalidate the token. NOTE: After modifying this parameter, stop and restart all GUI Server components for the change to take effect. Valid values: Any number greater than 0. Default: 10800 |
NumberOfMyWorldJobs |
Total number of job hosts that are displayed when Local View is used. For information about Local View, see Alerts Monitor. NOTE: After modifying this parameter, stop and restart all GUI Server components for the change to take effect. Valid values: 2-30,000 Default: 100 |
OnPromtReqCheckInScript |
Defines a script that runs when a promotion request is checked in. |
OpenCollByScanAllJobsColl |
Determines whether jobs are read from the cache in the GUI Server or from the database when you open a ViewPoint. Valid values:
Default: 1 |
PinAllJobsCollection |
Determines whether the All Jobs collection is loaded and pinned when the GUI Server starts up. Valid values: 0 – The All Jobs collection is not loaded and pinned when the GUI Server starts up. 1 – The All Jobs collection is loaded and pinned when the GUI Server starts up. Default: 1 |
PrereqConditionsLoadLimit |
The maximum number of prerequisite conditions that can be loaded into memory from the Control-M/EM database at the same time. This parameter helps control memory usage. Valid values: Any number greater than -1. Default: -1 (no limit) |
QuantResourceLoadLimit |
The maximum number of quantitative resources that can be loaded into memory from the Control-M/EM database at the same time. This parameter helps control memory usage. Valid values: Any number greater than -1. Default: -1 (no limit) |
QueriedCollection |
Collection of jobs to include in the Network Neighborhood Collection. Valid values:
Default: CURRENT |
SecuredExcludedFields |
Determines if the GUI Server is in Secure mode. If the GUI Server is in Secure mode, user requests to view or modify fields that are included in the Security filter of a ViewPoint are rejected. Warning: BMC Software recommends that you not exclude data (change the value of this parameter to 1) without first consulting BMC Software Customer Support. Valid values:
If the GUI Server prompts for confirmation, carefully consider the following factors before confirming the request:
Default: 0 |
SendRequestToScript |
Allows administrators to define a script that runs when a Control-M Workload Change Manager request changes state. EXAMPLE: An administrator wants to monitor submitted requests and verify that a change ticket with the ticket ID that was assigned to the request exists in Control-M Workload Change Manager and is approved. To activate an external application for a Control-M Workload Change Manager request, see Activating an external application for a Control-M Workload Change Manager request. Valid values:Full path to the script Default:Empty |
ServicesCacheRefreshInterval |
Determines the number of seconds to build another cache for the Services window Default:15 |
SockRecrMaxAtmp |
Maximum number of times that the GUI Server can attempt to create a socket. NOTE: After modifying this parameter, stop and restart all GUI Server components for the change to take effect. Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: -1 (no limit) |
SockRecrWtIntr |
Interval, in seconds between successive attempts to create a socket. NOTE: After modifying this parameter, stop and restart all GUI Server components for the change to take effect. Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 10 |
StandartCheckDBTimeOut |
Determines the number of seconds to wait between intervals to confirm that communication with the database server is still alive |
StopIFDBConnectionFail |
Action to take if communication between the GUI Server and the database server is disrupted. NOTE: After modifying this parameter, stop and restart all GUI Server components for the change to take effect. Valid values:
Default: 0 |
TopologyCacheRefreshInterval |
Determines the number of seconds to wait for the GUI Server to send requests to the CMS for the topology (Control-M/Server and Agents) Default: 15 |
UseQueriedCollectionForFind |
Determines the collection of jobs to be searched when performing a find from within a ViewPoint screen. Valid values:
Default: 1 |
ViewpointPolicy |
Determines which SMART Folders are passed to the ViewPoint. Valid values:
Default: SELECT_JOBS |
ViewpointPullQueueWeightLimit |
Determines the number of Viewpoints that can be open simultaneously in Self Service web application Default: 30000 |
ViewPointTimeoutForBIM |
The number of milliseconds within which the Control-M/EM GUI Server should receive a reply from the BMC Batch Impact Manager after sending a request. Valid values: Any whole number greater than 0 . Default: 600000 |
UpdatesQueueLimit |
Default size of the updates queue for a ViewPoint. Valid values: Any number greater than 0 and smaller than UpdatesQueueMaxLimit. Default: 5000 |
UpdatesQueueMaxLimit |
The maximum possible size of the updates queue for a ViewPoint. Valid values: Any number greater than 0. Default:59000 |
AlertsMapRefreshInterval |
Frequency, in seconds, at which the Global Alerts updates its database about which Alerts were deleted and why. The update occurs only when both the specified time has passed and one or more alerts have been deleted. Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 60 |
GatewayOutgoingQueueSize |
Maximum number of bytes buffered in the GUI server waiting to be sent to Control-M/Server. For example, as a result of a Save JCL request. Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 500000 |
RemedyCloseTicketMode |
Indicates in which mode a Remedy ticket is closed, and what effect that has on the alert status. Valid values:
SockRecrWtIntr |
Interval, in seconds, between successive attempts to create a socket. Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support. Default: 10 |
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