Job, folder, and calendar definitions are saved in the Job Definition database. When a job, SMART Folders, and Sub Folders are ordered, an instance of the definition is placed in the Active Jobs database, so it can be monitored. The following terms represent repositories that are part both the Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server databases:
Job Definition Database: A definition repository in Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server databases. The default synchronization setting is to always synchronize the definition changes between Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server. The Job Definition Database holds the current definitions of the jobs, folders, and calendars.
Active Jobs Database: An active repository of all Active entities in the Control-M/Server, including Active jobs, SMART folders, conditions, and other Production Control entities, such as active quantitative resources, active qualitative resources, and active workload policies. Active jobs contains all jobs scheduled for submission in the current day. Each job in the Active Jobs file is not submitted until all conditions in the job processing definition for the job are satisfied.
Central Repository: A central repository in the Control-M/EM database that stores Workspaces, which contain the job and folder definitions that have not yet been committed to the Job Definition Database. It enables you to continue working on your saved Workspace, even if you close the Workspace.