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SYSIN statements for CTJENR must comply with the following general syntax rules:

The following table describes the guidelines for the use of SYSIN parameters:

Table JV2 CTJENR SYSIN parameter guidelines

Type of parameters

Parameter keywords


Options parameters

  • NODE
  • SYS
  • IE
  • Options parameters apply to the next Enforcement or Reformat request.
  • May be specified on one or more SYSIN records.
  • Parameters on a record may be separated by any number of spaces or commas.
  • Enforcement/Reformat parameters may be mixed with options parameters on the same statement.

Enforcement/Reformat parameters

  • LIB
  • MEM
  • Any of these parameters will trigger an Enforcement or Reformat process, based on the ENF/REF EXEC PARM value.
  • Must be specified on a single statement.
  • A statement consists of a SYSIN record, or a record followed by continuation records.
  • Continuation is signaled by a comma appended to the last parameter on a record, or by a non-blank character in column 72.
  • Parameters may be separated by any number of spaces or commas. However, a comma appended to the last parameter has a special meaning (continuation mark, as explained above).
  • Options parameters may be mixed with Enforcement or Reformat parameters on the same statement.
  • Multiple Enforcement or Reformat requests may be specified in the same CTJENR invocation.

The following keywords are used in the SYSIN statements:

Table JV3 CTJENR SYSIN statement keywords




Specifies the library where the JCL is located. Mandatory.


Specifies the member where the JCL is located. Optional. Supports masking (* and ?).


Specifies the library where the JCL will be saved.


Specifies the member where the JCL will be saved. Optional. (Applicable for one member only).


Identifies the target SYSPLEX by providing the NODE of the IOAGATE which runs in that target SYSPLEX. This IOAGATE must be connected to the IOAGATE in the LOCAL SYSPLEX. When the target SYSPLEX is the local SYSPLEX, then this parameter should be omitted.   

The value LOCAL is also supported to mean the local SYSPLEX.

The verification request will be forwarded to the CTJMON associated with the IOAGATE/CTJAS with the given NODE. The request may be forwarded to another CTJMON depending on the SYSTEM and IOA ENV parameters.

Specifying only the NODE in another SYSPLEX means that the request will be performed by the CTJMON which is associated with the IOAGATE with the given NODE.

An asterisk (*) is not a valid value


Identifies the target SYSTEM in the target SYSPLEX.

A blank or an asterisk (*) specifies any SYSTEM in the target SYSPLEX,

and when IOA ENV is not blank or *, preference is given to SYSTEM with the same name as the originating SYSTEM.

IE=<ioa env>

Identifies the target CTJMON by the QNAME of the IOA environment in the target SYSPLEX/SYSTEM.

A blank or an asterisk (*) specifies any IOA environment at the target SYSPLEX, and when SYSTEM is not blank or *, preference is given to the same IOA environment as that of the originating CTJMON.


Enables you to change the PROCLIB where the procedures are resolved. PROCDD is the name of a predefined DD card from which the procedures are resolved when the JCLs are verified. For example, PROC01.

The DD card must be predefined in JES PROCLIB or in the CTJPRC member and will be the only procedure library searched.

For more information, see JES2/3 Predefined PROCLIBs in the Control-M/JCL Verify User Guide.

Parent Topic

CTJENR - JCL Job Reformatting and Enforcement