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JES2/3 Predefined PROCLIBs

Member CTJPRC in the CTJ PARM library defines the libraries in which procedures are searched for during Control-M JCL Verify processing.

Control-M JCL Verify searches for procedures referenced by jobs being processed using the following default search order:

  1. Procedures libraries defined in the CTJPRC member
  2. Procedures libraries defined in JES

The above default search order can be adjusted using the PRCONOR parameter in CTJPARM. PRCONOR controls the procedures concatenation order.


Since Control-M JCL Verify automatically detects only those libraries defined in JES, in certain cases you will need to define procedure libraries explicitly in the CTJPRC member. See When to use CTJPRC.

The libraries defined in the CTJPRC member are associated with DD card names and are concatenated on top of the libraries defined in JES with the same DD card name. Several DD card names can be used to match the DD card names in JES.

For a detailed description of the correct syntax, see CTJPRC format.

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