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CTJVER SYSIN parameters

SYSIN statements for CTJVER must comply with the following general syntax rules:

The following table describes the guidelines for the use of SYSIN parameters:

Table JV12 CTJVER SYSIN parameter guidelines

Type of parameters

Parameter keywords


Options parameters

  • USER
  • ENV
  • IE
  • NODE
  • SYS
  • AR
  • Options parameters apply to the next verification request.
  • May be specified on one or more SYSIN records.
  • Parameters on a record may be separated by any number of spaces or commas.
  • Verification parameters may be mixed with options parameters on the same statement.

Verification parameters

  • LIB
  • MEM
  • JOB
  • AJF
  • Any of these parameters will trigger a verification process.
  • Must be specified on a single statement.
  • A statement consists of a SYSIN record, or a record followed by continuation records.
  • Continuation is signaled by a comma appended to the last parameter on a record, or by a non-blank character in column 72.
  • Parameters may be separated by any number of spaces or commas. However, a comma appended to the last parameter has a special meaning (continuation mark, as explained above).
  • Options parameters may be mixed with verification parameters on the same statement.
  • Multiple verifications may be requested in the same CTJVER invocation.

The following table describes the keywords used in the SYSIN statements to perform various verification tasks. The table indicates which keywords are used for each task.

Table JV13 CTJVER SYSIN statement keywords

To perform this

Use these keywords:


To specify which user is used in the verifications:


The user ID to be used in the file access privileges (FA) verifications. Valid values are:

  • user_ID
  • *DEFAULT - use the default user ID (either the user invoking the CTJVER utility, or in the case of a Control-M job definition, the Control-M owner)

The default user ID is determined according the criteria described in "File Access" in Environment verification in the Control-M/JCL Verify User Guide.

To specify the odate used for odate variable resolutions:


The odate to be used in odate variable resolutions. The valid format is: YYMMDD

Note: The ODATE value is used in the SCHEDLIB statements that follow it, until a new ODATE is specified.

To specify the environment rules used in the verifications:


The rules that are defined for the specified environment, in addition to the GENERAL rules, are to be used in site standard verifications. The ENV keyword applies to all the verifications until the ENV is redefined as shown in the following example:









Note: The default is blank, meaning that only the GENERAL rules are used for the site standard verifications.

To verify jobs in their library:


JCL library name where the JCL job to be verified is located. Mandatory.


Member name where the JCL job to be verified is located. Character masking is supported so that "MEM=*" indicates that all the jobs in the library are to be verified.

To verify jobs referred to from or contained inside Control-M definitions:


Name of the library containing the job scheduling definition to be verified. Mandatory.


Name of the table containing the job scheduling definition to be verified. Character masking is supported so that "TABLE=*" indicates that all the jobs in all the tables in the scheduling library are to be verified. In this case, "JOB=*" can be omitted since "JOB=*" is assumed.


Name of the job scheduling definition to be verified. Character masking is supported so that "JOB=*" indicates that all the jobs in the table are to be verified.

To verify ordered jobs:


Specifies the order ID of the job in the AJF that will be verified.


Specifies that all jobs in the AJF will be verified.

To enable Remote Processing:


The NODE name of the IOAGATE running on a remote sysplex.

For more details, see Defining the target CTJMON where the processing will be submitted in the Control-M/JCL Verify User Guide.


The QNAME of a CTJMON running on the target sysplex.

For more details, see Defining the target CTJMON where the processing will be submitted in the Control-M/JCL Verify User Guide.


The MVS system name of the target system in the target SYSPLEX.

For more details, see Defining the target CTJMON where the processing will be submitted in the Control-M/JCL Verify User Guide.

To enable Auto Routing:


Whether to enable Auto Routing. Valid values are:

  • Y - Yes
  • N - No.
  • D - as Defined by the AROUTE parameter in the CTJPARM

To change the PROCLIB where the procedures are resolved:


Name of a predefined DD card from which the procedures are resolved when the JCLs are verified. For example, PROC01.

The DD card must be predefined in JES PROCLIB or in the CTJPRC member and will be the only procedure library searched.

For more information, see JES2/3 Predefined PROCLIBs in the Control-M/JCL Verify User Guide.

To include LOAD libraries for searching load modules:


Name of a predefined DD card in which the load modules are searched when the JCLs are verified.

For more information, see CTJLINK – User link libraries for program existence check in the Control-M/JCL Verify User Guide.

To set conditional dataset allocation considerations


Whether to consider datasets that are created or deleted by conditional steps as conditional references, and issue warnings when the dataset is referenced by a step later in the job if this reference may not be valid.

  • N – NO,Control-M/JCL Verify considers all steps as if they always run, regardless of being conditional or not.
  • Y – YES, Control-M/JCL Verify considers all the dataset references in conditional steps as references that may or may not occur and issues warning messages when a later step relies on it (because dataset status is in doubt).
  • D - as Defined by the CNDALC parameter in the CTJPARM.

For more information and examples, see Conditional dataset references in the Control-M/JCL Verify User Guide.

The SCHEDLIB, TABLE, JOB, ORDERID, and AJF keywords are available only when Control-M is installed.

Note: Regarding the SCHEDLIB statement: If MULTJOBS=Y is specified in CTMPARM, only the first job will be submitted from the JCL member by Control-M. Therefore, if the JCL member to be verified contains more than one job, only the first job will be verified.

Parent Topic

CTJVER - JCL Job Pre-Submission Verification