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ON PGMST statement types

The two types of ON PGMST statements are

Step-level ON PGMST statements have CODES values like Cxxxx, Sxxx and/or Uxxx and can be coded with specific PGMST and PROCST values (or ANYSTEP).

Job-level ON PGMST statements have CODES like OK, NOTOK and EXERR that apply to the results of the entire job. These can ONLY be coded with PGMST of ANYSTEP.

Control-M Post Processing is performed in two stages. The first stage checks individual steps against the Step-level ON PGMST logic. In this stage, Control-M also determines the OK/NOTOK status of the job, based on the individual steps.

In the second stage, Control-M checks the Job-level ON PGMST logic.

Since mixing Step-level and Job-level type CODES might produce unexpected results, BMC recommends that you avoid mixing the two types.

Parent Topic

ON PGMST: Post–Processing Parameter