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ON PGMST: Post–Processing Parameter

Job processing step and code event criteria that determine whether the accompanying DO statements are performed.

For more information, see STEP RANGE: Post–Processing Parameter.

Figure 259 ON PGMST Parameter Format

Optional. ON PGMST statements define event criteria that identify specific Control-M job steps and possible codes that result from the execution of those job steps.

The ON PGMST statement consists of the subparameters described in Table 201. When used, at least one step and one code must be specified.

Table 201 ON PGMST Subparameters




Job step. The execution results of the program executed by the job step are checked against the specified CODES criteria. From 1 through 8 characters. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • pgmstep – Name of the step (EXEC statement):
    //pgmstep EXEC PGM=program
    The ON PGMST statement is satisfied only when the program execution results from the specified step satisfy the specified code criteria. For more information, see "PGMST" in Step Values.
  • *rangename – Range name. rangename is the name of a step range defined in the STEP RANGE parameter. The asterisk (*) preceding the name indicates to Control-M that the specified name is a range name, not a step name. For more information, see "Step Range" in Step Values and STEP RANGE: Post–Processing Parameter.


Note: Some third party products produce JCL step names that begin with an * (asterisk) character. If you specify a JCL step name of this type in an ON PGMST statement, Control-M interprets this step name as a step range.

The solution is to define a workaround step range that includes only the problematic step name.

For example, to process the step name *OMVTEX, use the following:



  • ANYSTEP – any job step
    Generally, the ON PGMST statement is satisfied when the program execution results from any job step satisfy the specified code criteria. For more information, including the exceptions, see Step Name: ANYSTEP.
  • +EVERY – every job step
    The ON PGMST statement is satisfied if the program execution results from every job step that satisfies the specified code criteria. For more information, see Step Name: +EVERY.
  • $FIRST – the first-executed job step
  • $LAST – the last-executed job step
  • +JOBRC – the job completion code

Note: The $FIRST and $LAST values have these special meanings only if the LASTSTEP parameter in the CTMPARM member is set to Y.

Neither Control-M/Restart steps nor FLUSHed steps are considered the first or last step for this purpose.


Procedure step (EXEC statement) that invokes a procedure from which the specified PGMST program is executed. 1 to 8 characters. Optional. Valid values are:

  • "  " (blank) – When the PROCST field is left blank, matching program step names (PGMST) are checked regardless of whether they are directly from the job or from a called procedure. Default.
    The ON PGMST statement is satisfied if the PGMST criteria are satisfied from any procedure directly from the job.
  • procstep – Name of a specific procedure step:
    //procstep EXEC procedure
    If a specific procedure step is specified, only program steps from the invoked procedure are checked to see if they satisfy the code criteria. Program steps directly from the job are not checked.
  • +EVERY
    Matching program step names (PGMST) are checked from all called procedures and from the job itself.
    The ON PGMST statement is satisfied only when the code criteria for the program step are satisfied for all occurrences (called procedures and directly in the job stream). For more information, see Step Name: +EVERY.


Return codes or statuses that can satisfy the step or code event criteria if returned upon termination of the specified job steps. At least one code must be specified. CODES can be condition codes, user abend codes, system abend codes, various end codes and statuses, and certain keywords. CODES are discussed in "General Information for ON PGMST," immediately below this table.


Optional. Specifying either A (And) or O (Or) opens a new ON PGMST statement in the ON PGMST block (described in "Multiple ON PGMST Statements and ON PGMST Blocks" below this table) and links the new statement to the statement containing the A/O specification, as follows:

  • A (And) – Indicates AND logic between the two ON PGMST statements. ON PGMST block criteria are satisfied only if both ON PGMST statements are satisfied.
  • O (Or) – Indicates OR logic between the two ON statements. ON PGMST block criteria are satisfied if either (or both) ON PGMST statements are satisfied.

Parent Topic

Job Production Parameters