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Step 1.2 – Verify Upgrade Files

This step verifies that the upgrade level is valid and available. If you choose to manually download the upgrade packages, this step verifies that all required files are available and ready for the upgrade.

  1. Select Minor Step 2, Verify Upgrade Files.
  2. Select the method to load upgrade files:
  3. If you chose to use RECEIVE ORDER, use the S option to submit the Verify job.

    If the specified upgrade level is valid and available, the job will complete OK. Otherwise, the job will fail with an appropriate message.

    After the job completes successfully, press PF3 (END) to return to the Minor Steps Selection panel.

    NOTE: If you have not yet completed the initial configuration for RECEIVE ORDER, first enter C to view and edit the details of certificates/client environment for RECEIVE ORDER. On the Parameter Data Entry screen, set local values for the required/relevant parameters, as discussed in Parameters for RECEIVE ORDER, and then press PF3 (END).

  4. If you chose to download the upgrade packages manually, a list of upgrade package files is displayed in the Verify Upgrade Files panel, one file for each required upgrade level, up to the specified target level. There is also an additional line for the EHD file, as explained below.

    Each upgrade level (VV – Version and MMM – maintenance), is represented by a single binary file. In order to minimize the number of files that need to be uploaded, each file that contains an upgrade to a new VV (Version) (that is, maintenance 000), also contains all maintenance levels above the previous VV level (for example, 19.000 would contain version 19.000 and all maintenances above 18.000 up to 19.000).

    Perform the following steps:




    No action necessary. This is the desired status.


    Uncompress all Compressed upgrade package files:

    • To submit an Uncompress job for each file, enter the U line command next to the file name.
    • To submit one Uncompress job for all compressed files, enter the UU command next to any file with a Compressed status.


    No file with the specified name was detected on DASD. Check DASD and perform the appropriate action:


    The file has incorrect DCB attributes or is an incomplete uncompressed file.

    Type ? next to the file name to view possible reasons why the file has an Invalid status and how to proceed.

Parent Topic

1. Upgrade - Preparations