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Step 1.1 – Start new Upgrade Cycle

This step starts a new upgrade cycle for upgrading the system to the specified version and maintenance level.

The current upgrade level (VV.MMM) [VV (Version) and MMM (Maintenance)] of the system is displayed. You can specify any available valid level of maintenance. This process supports upgrading multiple upgrade levels in one cycle.

  1. Select Minor Step 1, Start new upgrade cycle.

    Note: If the previous upgrade cycle has not yet been completed (it was APPLYed (Step 2.5), but not ACCEPTed (Step 3.4)) a message is displayed. You must first complete the previous cycle before you can start a new upgrade cycle.

  2. In the VV.MMM (Ver . Maint) fields type the target upgrade version and maintenance levels.
  3. Press PF3 (END) to save these changes and return to the Minor Steps Selection panel. To exit without saving, enter CANCEL in the command line.

    Note: Saving a new level of upgrade initiates the new upgrade cycle. All log and status information from the previous cycle is deleted.

Parent Topic

1. Upgrade - Preparations