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Upgrade in Place

Upgrade in Place upgrades a 9.0.vv.mmm environment to a later version and/or maintenance level. By maintaining the same software library names and database files, the upgrade can be accomplished with close to zero downtime and minimal risk. This upgrade process also provides a fallback to the previous software level, provided that the compatibility mode has not yet been changed to work with the new features.

When all preliminary upgrade steps have been run, copies are created of all libraries that might be affected by the upgrade, and the upgrade is APPLYed to, and post upgrade actions performed on, the mirror libraries. Activation is performed by renaming the primary libraries for fallback, and the mirror libraries to the primary names. The products need to be stopped only for the duration of the renaming activity.

Fallback – which can be performed as long as the compatibility mode remains unchanged – by renaming the fallback libraries back to the primary names and restoring the SMP/E information, again requiring stopping the products for the minimal period necessary to complete this operation.

The Upgrade in Place approach is described in Upgrade in Place process.


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