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This guide contains instructions for upgrading to the current release from any of the following INCONTROL versions:

Upgrade in Place is the recommended approach for upgrading Version 9.0.xx or later of INCONTROL products to the most recent version. This process does NOT require copying all the database and operations libraries during upgrade process downtime. It reduces downtime to minutes, and provides for Fallback to the previous level of software, provided that the compatibility mode has not been changed. This process is described in Upgrade in Place process.

The Express Upgrade is the recommended approach for upgrading versions 8.0.xx and earlier of INCONTROL products to the most recent major version. This process does NOT require copying all the database and operations libraries during upgrade process downtime. It reduces downtime to minutes. This process is described in Express Upgrade.

The Full Upgrade approach was the original approach for upgrading INCONTROL products. The Express Upgrade approach was introduced with the INCONTROL version 8.0.00. This process is described in Full Upgrade.

For more information, see also

Throughout the entire upgrade process, as long as the INCONTROL for z/OS products are running in compatibility mode for previous versions (see Basic concepts), the configuration of the Control-M/Enterprise Manager must be kept at the same version as it was before the upgrade process was started.

After the transition period is completed, and the user has decided to change the compatibility mode to the new upgrade level, the user is required to configure Control-M/Enterprise Manager for managing the Control-M at the newly upgraded level.

To configure Control-M/Enterprise Manager for the upgraded Control-M for z/OS

  1. From the z/OS machine, shut down the IOAGATE.
  2. From the Control-M Configuration Manager, shut down the Gateway for this Control-M.
  3. From the z/OS machine, set the CMODE to the new upgrade level in the MODEASM and MODECTM parameters.

    Note: In the Express Upgrade, this step is automatically performed during the "Complete the upgrade" step, and after its successful completion NO CHANGE is needed.

    Note: In the Upgrade in Place, this step is automatically performed during the "ACCEPT Upgrade" step, and after its successful completion NO CHANGE is needed.

  4. From the Control-M Configuration Manager, promote Control-M Server to the new upgrade level using the Elevate Control-M option.

    Note: If the correct level is already set, the Elevate Control-M option is grayed-out.

  5. From the z/OS machine, restart the IOAGATE.
  6. From the Control-M Configuration Manager, restart the Gateway for this Control-M.

WARNING: When the system is running with all capabilities at the new upgrade level, there is no simple, efficient way to fallback to any of the previous versions.

Note that the following product names and codes are used throughout this guide:

Former Product Name

Current Product Name

Product Code







