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Zoom and save from CTMAPI

To convert a job in the AJF to INP statements, use the following command:

BAPI_M_CNVINP  EQU    7            CONVERT AJF REC TO DEF           

The calling program must provide the area where to return the INP definition.

To perform a Zoom and Save action, use the following command:

BAPI_M_ZOOM    EQU    8            ZOOM AND SAVE ACTION             

In both cases, the requested RBA can be specified in either binary or character format. The calling program must provide the area where to return the INP definition.

The Zoom and Save process is executed as follows:

  1. Call CTMAPI in order to search for the job using the SEARCH command, and retrieve its RBA.
  2. Call CTMAPI to HOLD the job.
  3. Call CTMAPI to convert the AJF records of the job to INP statements in which the necessary corrections will be made.

    Alternatively, the corrected job definition can be specified via BLT statements.

    The type of input (INP or BLT) is passed as one of the arguments to the Zoom and Save function.

  4. Call CTMAPI to perform Zoom and Save action.
  5. Call CTMAPI to FREE the job.

Parent Topic

The Control-M Application Program Interface (CTMAPI)