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Create and/or Order or Force a Table (BLT)

The BLT function invokes the CTMBLT utility to create, save, and optionally order a table on the fly.

Unlike the other functions implemented through BAPI extension, this feature does not contain a separate extension where you define the input parameters. Instead

  1. Set the BAPICMD field to the value BAPI_M_BLT.
  2. Prepare the input to the API in memory as a regular CTMBLT input stream, as described in the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide, pointed to by the CTMCMDA field.
  3. Set the length of the input, in bytes, in the BAPICMDL field. Each control input statement must be an 80-byte card image.
  4. Set the reply fields.

    When requesting reply fields in this function, through the BAPI interface, you receive reply lines from both the CTMBLT function and CTMJOB. For more information on the reply input and output fields, see CTMBAPO.

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The Control-M Application Program Interface (CTMAPI)