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Each IOAGATE/CTJAS has a unique node name associated with it. The node name is defined in the ECAPARM member of IOAGATE/CTJAS.

The definition of available nodes and targets for remote JCL processing is defined in a network map member (the same way and using the same syntax as in Control-O to Control-O). The name of the network map member is also defined in ECAPARM (by the NETWMAP= parameter). When IOAGATE is started, the specific ECAPARM to be used by this instance of IOAGATE is identified by the JCL parameter PSFX=<suffix>.

IOAGATE reads the specified ECAPARM member, extracts its node name and the network map name from it. The node name is used to identify the corresponding section in the network map where all the target Control-M JCL Verify monitors (nodes) are defined. Each node in the network map is identified by a logical node name and contains one or more identifications of the target nodes, each target node with a TCP/IP host name or IP address + port number of the corresponding target IOAGATE.

When a Control-M JCL Verify monitor is started, and there is a corresponding IOAGATE/CTJAS in the same SYSTEM and the same IOA environment, it extracts its node name from the corresponding IOAGATE/CTJAS and issues a message that contains the extracted node name.

The other Control-M JCL Verify monitors in the SYSPLEX will be aware that remote verification requests to remote nodes in other SYSPLEXs will be forwarded to this Control-M JCL Verify monitor with the associated IOAGATE/CTJAS.

If there is no IOAGATE/CTJAS associated with any Control-M JCL Verify monitor in the SYSPLEX, remote verification requests to other SYSPLEXs will not be available.

If at a later time, IOAGATE/CTJAS is started, Control-M JCL Verify monitor will automatically detect this, extract its node name and then it will be able to support remote verification requests from the other monitors in the SYSPLEX.

For information about installing IOAGATE and CTJAS see Step 20 – Install IOAGATE in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

Read Appendix B "IOAGATE installation and configuration considerations" in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing for a complete explanation of IOAGATE, its components and its configuration. The section also includes information on all aspects of IOAGATE installation and configuration.

For the exact syntax of the network map refer to the "IOAGATE network map" section in Appendix B, "IOAGATE installation and configuration considerations" of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.