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CTJJ2G - JES nodes to CTM/JCL Verify gateway nodes association

The CTJJ2G member maps JES NODE names to IOAGATE NODE names, and resides in olperfj.PARM library. By default this member is empty.

The IOAGATE NODE name is defined in ECAPARM of IOAGATE. This mapping is used only when AUTOROUTE=Y and when the JCL contains a JES NODE name that the JOB will be routed to for execution.

The JES NODE name might appear in the following JCL or JES CONTROL statements:

The JES NODE that appears in the above statements directs JES to send the submitted JCL for execution to the given JES NODE via NJE. This JES NODE will usually be in another SYSPLEX.

Control-M JCL Verify needs to perform the verification at the same given JES NODE and will use its own IOAGATE to IOAGATE network to send the JCL to a CTJMON at the target JES NODE.

The IOAGATE to IOAGATE network is defined in the network map member which is specified by the NETWMAP parameter in ECAPARM.

IOAGATEs in the map are identified by their IOAGATE NODE names.

Control-M JCL Verify will send the given JCL to the CTJMON that is associated with IOAGATE with the mapped IOAGATE NODE name.

The latter CTJMON might forward the JOB for verification to another CTJMON in the same SYSPLEX if the JOB card or JES control statement requests execution on another SYSTEM (via SCHENV, SYSTEM or SYSAF parameters).

The rules for coding a line in this member are:


JESN1          JMN1     entry must appear last.

JESN?          JMN2es that are not the same as IOAGATE NODE names

In this example only the JESN1 JES node will be routed through the JMN1 IOAGATE, the rest will be routed through JMN2 IOAGATE.