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Decollation of XML Reports

Decollate XML reports according to the following procedure:

  1. In the decollation definition, set the PRINT/CDAM parameter ASSOC to XML, either in an ON statement or in the SUBSYS parameter when the report is written directly to CDAM.
  2. Specify the encoding for the XML report either as an EBCDIC code page, ASCII code page, or Unicode, in one of the following ways:
  3. Because an XML report is usually treated as one page, set the PRINT/CDAM LINECT parameter to a large enough number to prevent the report from being split into pages according to the value of LINECT. For more information on the LINECT parameter, see CDAM Control Parameters.
  4. You can split an XML report into pages by setting the PRINT/CDAM XMLSEP parameter to tagname. All data inside the specified tag name (that is, the tag name within its surrounding angle brackets) is treated as a separate page. This feature is available only for reports with EBCDIC encoding. For more information on the XMLSEP parameter, see CDAM Control Parameters.
  5. You can analyze the XML report contents and assign ownership by using the DO SET decollation statement with the variable set to XPath expressions. For more information on setting variables with DO SET, see DO SET: Decollating Parameter (decollating mission).
  6. You can view XML reports by invoking the XSLT processor using Control-D/WebAccess Server. This transforms the XML report into an HTML page according to the specifications in the XSL stylesheet file.

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Decollating Criteria Considerations