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Defining the Levels of the Organization

The levels of the organization (that is, the structure of the tree) are defined in the Control-D installation parameters in the IOA PARM library. Each level of the organization is represented by a two-digit code and a descriptive name. For example:


The levels must be in ascending sort order (for example, 10, 20, 30). The descriptive name is in free format. The bank example is used below to demonstrate the different considerations in defining the levels.

The bank is divided into two major groups: the branches and the head office divisions. The tree is constructed to represent the bank structure:






                     |                               |

                 REGIONAL MGMT                   DIVISION

                     |                               |

                 BRANCH                          DEPARTMENT

                     |                               |

                 BRANCH-DEPT                     SECTION

                     |                               |

                 BRANCH-WORKER                   WORKERS

Now let’s assign levels to the bank structure:

                               10 OPERATIONS


                               15 PRESIDENT


                     |                               |

              20 REGIONAL MGMT                  50 DIVISION

                     |                               |

              25 BRANCH                         55 DEPARTMENT

                     |                               |

              30 BRANCH-DEPT                   60 SECTION

                     |                               |



                                70 WORKERS

Notice that the workers level used is the same for the branches and the head office divisions. A single worker can be directly under any of the levels in the organization (for example, under a branch, a branch department, a section).

The definition of the tree can be modified any time. New levels can be added without affecting Control-V operation. Changing the level code, however, may be more complex; this requires a global change in the current definition of the Recipient Tree and the report decollating missions. Therefore, it is highly recommended to maintain an interval between successive levels so that there is a place to insert additional levels in the future.

The levels of the tree are defined in Control-D installation parameters in the IOA PARM library. The member must be assembled and linked each time it is modified, and then copied to a Linklist library (see the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide).

When a change is made to the level definition (for example, a new level is defined), the Control-D monitor must be shut down and brought up again. It is also recommended that users of the Online facility log off and log on again. This is only necessary when the tree structure is modified (not when a new user is defined in an existing level).

Parent Topic

Defining the Recipient Tree