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General Information

WHEN IN QUEUE=Y (or E or S) instructs Control-V to search for the job in the output queue. Decollation takes place only if the job is found in the output queue or, when this parameter is set to E, the job is currently executing or in the output queue.

If two or more jobs which have the same name and which have not yet been decollated are found, Control-V selects the job that most recently finished executing.

When the same job is run a few times a day, Control-V does not decollate the same job twice unless specified by the user. For more information, see Rerun Option.

WHEN IN QUEUE=E can be used for decollation of files generated by continuous jobs such as CICS or SYSLOG. WHEN IN QUEUE=Y can be used for decollation of cyclic missions.

WHEN IN QUEUE=N instructs Control-V not to search for the job in the output queue. WHEN IN QUEUE=N starts the decollating of compressed datasets based on the prerequisite conditions specified in the IN parameter. Therefore, do not use this option without specifying prerequisite conditions in an IN parameter.

Specifying appropriate values for WHEN IN QUEUE and CLS can help prevent the decollation of output which should not be decollated.

WHEN IN QUEUE=S is used as a selection parameter for an activation decollation mission. It forces missions to search SYSOUTs created by jobs in a non-HELD class that match parameters defined in ON CLASS/ON TRNCLASS statements. Decollation begins only if such a SYSOUT is found in the non-HELD output queue. Once such mission is started, it will process all SYSOUTs from HELD and non-HELD classes that match ON statements.

This mode enables the number of ENQs activated under the decollation monitor to remain low. Defining WHEN IN QUEUE=S in a decollation mission removes ENQ ioaqname CTDREP-jobname jobid, if no SYSOUT from HELD classes was decollated.

This occurs in the following cases:

If "ioaqname CTDREP-jobname jobid" ENQs are removed when a decollation mission with WHEN IN QUEUE=S finishes processing, it means that another decollation mission is able to process SYSOUTs created by a job with the same JOBID, if these SYSOUTs were not processed by a previous decollation mission.

Parent Topic

WHEN IN QUEUE/CLS: Runtime Scheduling Parameter