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System Variables

System variables define optional specific definitions for the current decollation mission. Only specific values can be assigned for these variables in SET or DO SET statements.

Table 235 System variables






The memory above bar should be used for indexing.

To use this option, the following must be present:

  • sufficient MEMLIMIT value in the Control-D procedure
  • sufficient disk space for the paging process



Allows Control-D monitor to avoid zIIP usage for the specific decollation mission. If the parameter is omitted, the zIIP used for the decollation depends on the global ZIIP parameter setting in the IOAPARM member. The $CPU system variable has no effect on the I/O termination offloading to zIIP with XBM.



When set to Y, the SYSINs (in-stream data) from jobs are decollated when the decollation is performed from MSGCLASS.

Note: The $SYSIN system variable can only be defined in the SET statement, but not in the DO SET statement.



Decollation from SPOOL:

When set to Y, Control-D extracts Transaction (APPC) Program JOBNAME/JOBID, which created the data set, instead of JOBNAME/JOBID, which appears in the SPOOL where Control-D monitor works.

When set to EXTWTR, Control-D uses the External Writer Name as the JOBNAME instead of the JOBNAME that appears in the SPOOL where the Control-D monitor is working.

This option is useful for processing SYSOUTs received through the Tivoli Output Collector.



Decollation from CDAM:

When set to Y, Control-D uses the JOBNAME from the decollated CDAM file, rather than the JOBNAME defined in the decollation mission definition.

This option is useful for processing CDAMs that were created by FTO, when many CDAMs with different JOBNAMEs should be decollated. In this case, one mission can be used for processing CDAM files created by FTO.



Enable password protection for PDF reports.

Set this variable to Y if you want to require a password for access to the PDF report generated during decollation, either to the whole PDF report or to sections within it (based on indexes).

To define the password and (optionally) the specific indexes to limit in the report, use the CTVUPINV utility. For more information, see Protecting access to PDF reports in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Parent Topic

SET: Decollating Parameter - decollation