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General Information

When a page in the job’s reports is not identified by a WHEN/DO USER statement and a default destination is not specified in the ON Statement DEFAULTS, this parameter designates where the pages is printed.

Printing by Original Destination (*SPOOL Option)

When Control-V prints a report, it uses (as a default) the destination specified in the Active User Report lists. (If the destination is not specified, it uses the main computer printer.) It is the responsibility of the user to fill in the destination for each report, user, or job (only once in the Permanent User Report List file). However, it is sometimes inconvenient to do so, especially when using generic decollating missions where the job name is not known. In such cases, there can be a requirement to print the report on the original DEST specified for the report (on spool).

A special option exists in Control-V for such situations. If destination *SPOOL is specified in the JOB DEFAULTS DEST field, Control-V determines the report destination either by the original destination of the report on the spool, or according to the DEST parameter in CDAM. This applies to all pages (identified and unidentified).

This parameter is superseded by any destination specified in ON Statement DEFAULTS, except the value *SPOOL which supersedes any destination specified in ON Statement DEFAULTS. For further information, see Destination – Control-V Search Order.

Parent Topic

JOB DEFAULTS DEST: Decollating Parameter (decollating mission)