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Generic User Name

It is often necessary to send reports, or sections of reports, to a group of users (for example, to all bank branches). It is, of course, possible to type a long list of DO USER statements. This list needs to be updated for each such report whenever a new branch is opened.

There is a better solution for specifying a "generic" group of recipients. Begin the USER NAME with an asterisk, followed by a member name of 1 through 8 characters. Control-V then reads the list of users from the specified member, in the library defined by DD statement DAGENUSR.

The interpretation of the generic user name is done when the mission is placed in the Active Missions file. For more information, see also "Defining a Generic User Name List" in the Control-D and Control-V chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

The user_name field can be set to special values (described below) which begin with %%.

Parent Topic

DO USER: Decollating Parameter (decollating mission)