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General Information

The DO REMARK (DO REMARK2 or DO REMARK3) statement specifies either a user-defined remark or the line and column range on the report page where the report name can be found.

The remark may be 1 through 16 characters for DO REMARK statements, or 1 through 20 for DO REMARK2 and DO REMARK3 statements, optionally preceded by an asterisk. Embedded spaces are permitted. If the remark is preceded by an asterisk, it is displayed as written. Otherwise, it is appended to any existing remark (such as a return code) and may be truncated.

By default, return codes and termination codes are placed in the REMARK field (not REMARK2 or REMARK3) if MSGCLASS output is decollated.

Entries in the DO REMARK (DO REMARK2 or DO REMARK3) field appear in certain User Report list formats. Remarks can also be specified as selection criteria in the REMARK/CCs (DO REMARK2 or DO REMARK3) fields in the Show Options window of the User Reports entry panel or in the Active User Reports list.

The LINE parameter is optional. If it is omitted, the line in which the WHEN string was found is used.

The remark specified is used for all pages until a new DO REMARK (DO REMARK2 or DO REMARK3) is activated.

The remark field can be set to special values (described below) which begin with %%.

Parent Topic

DO REMARK: Decollating Parameter (decollating mission)