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General Information

Statement DO PRINT specifies the name of the printing missions to be used to print the report. One or more DO PRINT statements can be specified. A maximum of five printing missions can be specified. From one to four missions can be specified in each DO PRINT statement. If a DO PRINT statement is not specified for a report, the report is not printed but is available for online viewing.

If multiple printing missions are specified, the report is printed by the mission which is activated first. If MUST is set to Y, the report is eventually printed by every printing mission specified in that DO PRINT statement. The report is not printed by more than one printing mission if MUST=N is specified for all the missions.

If a report should be both printed and processed for transfer to Control-D/WebAccess Server, entering MUST=Y can ensure that the printing mission which prints the report and the printing mission which prepares the report for transfer are both executed.

When the same report name is specified in different ON blocks via DO NAME statements, and these ON blocks contain different printing mission names in the DO PRINT statements, the report can be printed by any of the printing missions specified in any of those ON blocks.1

If *DEFAULT is specified as the first printing mission name, the printing mission names are taken from the default record in the Permanent or Active User Report file. If there is no default record, the other names specified in the report decollating mission definition are used.

The status of a report is changed to PRINTED only after it has been printed by all printing missions with parameter MUST set to Y. If a report has not yet been printed by one of these missions, its status remains WAIT PRINT even if it has already been printed.

The status of a report processed with the STORED parameter set to Y is described in STORE: Mission-specific Parameter.

Parent Topic

DO PRINT: Decollating Parameter (decollating mission)