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DO PRINT: Decollating Parameter (decollating mission)

Specifies the names of the printing missions that can print or process the report.

Figure 258 DO PRINT Parameter Format

WHEN LINE       -       COL       -       PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

     STRING =

DO PRINT   =                                       MUST   =   STORED =

Type PRINT in the DO field and press Enter. Fields for specifying up to four printing mission names and subparameter MUST are provided.

Table 215 DO PRINT Subparameters




Mandatory. One or more printing mission names of 1 through 8 characters must be specified.


Optional. Indicates whether or not the specified printing missions must process the report even if it was already processed by another mission. Valid values:

  • Y (Yes)—The report must be processed by each print mission specified on the line.
  • N (No)—Default. The report is not processed by the specified printing missions if it has already been processed.
  • S (Subscription)—The report will be processed by the specified printing mission according to the subscribe records defined for the report. The report can be subscribed either using Control-D/WebAccess or the CTVUPINV utility.


Optional. Indicates whether the specified printing missions will process the report created by the current decollation mission or process the report created by the printing mission with STORE=Y. Valid values:

  • Y (Yes)—The print mission will be assigned to the report created by the printing mission with STORE=Y.
  • N (No)—Default. The print mission will be assigned to the report created by the current decollation mission.

Parent Topic

Decollating Mission Parameters