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Control-D External Destinations – Additional Information

When option A is specified in the O(ption) column to the left of an external destination, the following additional fields are displayed for that destination:

Table 125 Control-D External Destinations – Additional Information




Name or IP address of the host where the Control-D/Delivery Server is installed.

When specifying an IP address, use either IPv4 addresses or IPv6 addresses (full or abbreviated). For examples of IPv6 addresses, refer to message ECAP9UE.

If compression is to be used, specify ',C' following the IP address or host name.

When using a full-length IPv6 address (39 characters), specify C following the IP address, without a comma.


Port number of the Control-D/Delivery Server Session Manager component.

Note: If a HOST or PORT was not specified, the default host and port specified in member CTDSPARM of the CTD PARM library is displayed.


Folder on the UNIX or Windows computer to which the report is transferred from the mainframe.

The folder specified by PATH should be specified in the security definition file of the Control-D/Delivery Server Session Manager component.

Note: If PATH is not specified, the report is transferred to the temporary directory of the CONTROL-D installation.


Indicator that determines whether or not transmitted data is converted to ASCII. Valid values:

  • Y (Yes) – Transmitted data is converted to ASCII.
  • N (No) – Transmitted data is not converted to ASCII.
  • L (add CRLF) – Transmitted data is converted to ASCII and line separators CRLF are added when converting text reports from EBCDIC to ASCII. This is useful for transforming text reports to PDF.
  • R (add CR / CRLF) – Transmitted data is converted to ASCII. Line separators CR or CRLF are added, according to Machine Control Character x'01' or ASA Control Character '+'.

    Note: When CONVERT TO ASCII is set to R, original control characters cannot be sent to Control-D/Delivery. If SEND WITH CC is set to Y, it is adjusted to N; if set to C, it is adjusted to P.


Indicator that determines whether carriage control characters are sent with the transmitted data, stripped off, or with page break separator. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Carriage control characters are sent.
  • N (No) – Carriage control characters are stripped off.
  • P (Page Break) – Page break carriage control characters are sent. Control characters from the original report are not sent.
  • C (Page Break + CC) – Page break carriage control characters and control characters from the original report are sent. This is useful for transforming text reports to PDF.


The destination TYPE determines which attributes are displayed. For information about destination attributes, see the Control-D Delivery Server Administrator Guide.

This attribute area can include the following fields, which are resolved during printing.

    These fields are resolved by the variables defined in the recipient tree of the corresponding recipient. In order to use this option, the corresponding definition should be performed in the DESC (description) field of the recipient tree. For example:




       DESC       FAX=567/78/12


       DESC       PDF-USER-PASS=User password for PDF reports


    For immediate printing, to resolve these variables, optional wish WD0770 must be set to APPLY=YES.

    For Deferred printing of Subscribed reports and Deferred Printing by Index, these variables are substituted according to the subscription records from the Permanent User File (if they exist) – see INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide; Control-D and Control-V Utilities; CTVUPINV – Global update of subscription records in the Permanent User File.

  • %REPORT%, %REMARK%, %REMARK2%, %REMARK3%, %JOBNAME%, %ODATE%, %RECIPIENT%, %REPORT-ID%, %JOBID%, %CLASS%, %EXTWTR%, %FORM%, %DEST%, %RECFM%, %CRDATE%, %JOBSTART%, %JOBEND%, %DDNAME%, %PGMSTEP%, %PROCSTEP%, %EXPDATE%, %TIMESTAMP% (TIMESTAMP of creating CTDS data sets) and %TYPE% variables are resolved from the corresponding report entry.

    The variables %INDEXN% (last level INDEX name), %INDEXV% (last level INDEX value), %INDEXNP% (INDEX name path) and %INDEXVP% (INDEX value path) are substituted during Deferred printing by index.

    These variables are resolved from the MAIL_HOST and DSR_NAME values defined in the CTDSPARM member of the CTD PARM library.

Sets of standard logical destinations are loaded into the Permanent User File during installation. For an existing CTD environment, these destinations can be loaded by the job FORMCTDS from the BASE INSTCTD library (submit the job using Option 3-Tailor job, under the Maintain your Environment, ICE refresh option).


The parameter TRNTAB=tabname can be specified in the CTDDS ATTRIBUTES field, if the parameter CONVERT TO ASCII is set to YES.

  • When TRNTAB is specified, the translation table stored in the tabname member in the IOA.PARM library is used for translation from EBCDIC to ASCII.
  • If the parameter TRNTAB is not specified, the TRNE2A default translation table is used for translation from EBCDIC to ASCII.

The parameters MF_BANNER and MF_NOBANNER can be specified in the CTDDS ATTRIBUTES field, as well. These parameters direct Control-D to process all reports distributed from Control-D on mainframe via Control-D/ Delivery server using exit CTDAPA, CTDDJDE, or CTDTP1 (depending on the printer type).

  • MF_BANNER – Send also the report start/end banners to the external destination to be bundled with the report (that is, attached to the top and bottom of the report).
  • MF_NOBANNER – Process the report using exits but send it without banners.

Note: The various destination types and the names of the default CTDDS Attributes for each destination type are listed in member $$CTDSAT of the Control-D OUTPARMS library.

In the example below, additional information about external destination "DOCUMT" is displayed. This is an e-mail destination which requires an e-mail address (for example, in the RECIPIENT field.

Figure 139 Control-D External Destinations, Additional Information – Example

---------------------- CONTROL-D EXTERNAL DESTINATIONS  -------------- (U.CTDS)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O DEST     TYPE     DESCRIPTION                                               

  LASER1   LPR      Laser Printer #1                           

  DOCUMT   Email    Documentation Dept E-Mail

HOST                             PORT 1948  CONVERT TO ASCII Y  

PATH                                                     SEND WITH CC     N  

CTDDS ATTRIBUTES                                          


sender=DS         subject=CTD                                                

ds_banner=        ds_title=                                                      

  MKT      FS       Marketing File System                         

  LASER2   LPR      Laser Printer #2                   

  HUMRES   FS       Human Resource File System      

  LAWDEPT  Email    Law Department E-mail                                  

  REMOTE   FT       Remote File Transfer                                            

  SALES    Email    Sales E-Mail                                     

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Control-D External Destinations Screen