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Options of the Control-D External Destinations Screen

Table 124 Options of the Control-D External Destinations Screen




Selects a specific external destination and returns this destination to the previous screen.


Provides additional information (host and port data plus CTDDS attributes) for a specific external destination. Specifying option A again (while additional information is displayed) causes the additional information to not be displayed.


Updates the Control-D external destination with changes made to unprotected fields.


Copies an external destination entry to create a new entry. A confirmation window is displayed.



Opens a line for inserting a new external destination. Enter the DEST, TYPE and DESCRIPTION fields for the new destination. When you press Enter, fields for the required CTDDS ATTRIBUTES are displayed. (For more information see the description of the CTDDS ATTRIBUTES field below.) Fill in the appropriate data, enter U in the option field, and press Enter to save the new destination.

Note: If a HOST or PORT is not specified, the default host and port specified in member CTDSPARM of the CTD PARM library is used.


Deletes the specified external destination from the list. A confirmation window is displayed.

Note: Usage of the options in this screen and in related screens is controlled by Control-D user Exit CTDX026 and security module CTDSE26. For more information, see member CTDX026 in the IOA SAMPEXIT library.

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Control-D External Destinations Screen