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Selecting Report Pages for Printing

When a complete report has been retrieved, the SPAGE (Select Pages) command enables the user to specify one or more report pages or page ranges for immediate printing from the Report Viewing screen. (By default, PF12/PF24 is defined as the SPAGE command in the Report Viewing screen.)

Enter command SPAGE in the command line (or press PF12/PF24) once for each page or page range to be included (or excluded from an otherwise included page range). Upon pressing END (PF03/PF15), the Selected Pages Print Option Window (described below) is displayed.

Any number of SPAGE commands can be entered, with the first parameter set to INCLUDE or EXCLUDE in any order. EXCLUDE ranges are excluded from the INCLUDE ranges. If only EXCLUDE ranges are specified, the Selected Pages Print Option window is not displayed and no pages are printed.

Note: Command SPAGE is not currently supported when viewing reports retrieved using an index value.

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Report Viewing