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Report Viewing Screen Commands

General Commands

Use the scrolling conventions to scroll the retrieved section of the report forward (PF08/PF20) or backward (PF07/PF19).

Use the LEFT (PF10/PF22) and RIGHT (PF11/PF23) commands to shift the report data horizontally.

Use the FIND (or FIND PREV) command to locate a string in the report.

Use the NEXTPAGE n command (abbreviated N n) to scroll forward n report pages. The top of the page is displayed. If n is not specified, the report scrolls forward one page.

Use the PREVPAGE n command (abbreviated P p) to scroll backward p report pages. The top of the page is displayed. If p is not specified, the report scrolls backward one page.

Use the END command (PF03/PF15) to exit the Report Viewing screen and return to the previously displayed screen.

Use the =X command to exit the Report Viewing screen and the entire Online User Reports facility. You are then returned to your normal operating environment.

Table 106 Report Viewing Screen Commands




The SHOWPAGE command alternately turns Show Page Control Characters mode on and off. When the mode is off, page control characters are not displayed. When the mode is on, lines starting with control characters ‘X8B’ and X‘89’ are displayed.

When the mode is on, a special line appears at the beginning of each page:

=== NEW PAGE ===

This line designates where Control-V positions the beginning of the page (for example, control character 1). The line is internally generated and is not printed. It is very useful, particularly for reports that do not contain page control characters.

Show Page mode can be turned on when a ruler is not active. When a ruler is turned on, Show Page mode is turned off.


When a complete report has been retrieved, the SPAGE (Select Pages) command enables the user to specify one or more report pages or page ranges for immediate printing. For more information on using the SPAGE command, refer to Selecting Report Pages for Printing.


The SHOWCC command alternately turns Show Control Characters mode on and off. When the mode is turned on and the leftmost portion of the report is visible on the screen, column 1 of the report, which contains control characters, is displayed. When the mode is turned off, the report is shifted one character to the left and the control characters are hidden.

The mode in use upon entering the Report Viewing screen is determined by the value (Y/N) of the SHOW Control CHARS field in the Show Options window.


The EDIT command (PF04/PF16) allows you to edit (reformat) reports by use of rulers. Report editing and rulers are discussed later in this chapter.


The VALUE command displays the index value (if any) that was used to select the displayed report. This index value is displayed instead of the ruler line. Pressing Enter clears the index value and displays the ruler line again.


The HEX command alternately turns HEX mode on and off. When HEX mode is on, each line is displayed in HEX format. This command is not available when a page mode ruler is active. For more information see Page Mode Rulers.


The LOCVAL command locates the next occurrence of a report line that contains a specified record-level index value. This command moves the cursor to the next line pointed to by the specified value and scrolls that line to the top of the viewing area. To use this command, type LOCVAL on the command line and press Enter, or press the PF09 key.

This command is only available when a report is viewed via the Values of Index Panel. Display the appropriate record-level index in the Values of Index Panel and use option V to select the value that points to the report lines you want to display.

The LOCVAL command can be automatically executed when a report is displayed. Set profile variable SOLVLVC in member $PROFVAR of the IOA PARM library to Y (Yes). The report automatically scrolls to the first line pointed to by the selected record-level index value.



The WRAP command alternately turns WRAP mode on and off. When WRAP mode is on, data is wrapped to the next line of the screen, as needed, according to length of the data and the width of the screen. When WRAP mode is off, up to 256 characters in a line can be displayed by scrolling past the edge of the screen. Remaining data past 256 characters is not displayed.

This command is available only when SHOWCC/SHOWPAGE mode is on. It is not available when a ruler is active.

Note: Even when WRAP mode is on, Tag Notes cannot be attached to a substring past the 256th character in a line. For more information on Tag Notes, see Tag Notes.

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Report Viewing