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Commands of the Recipient/Approval Tree List Screen

Table 59 Recipient/Approval Tree List Screen Commands




This command is relevant only for the Recipient Tree, and not for the Approval Tree.

A name can be used only once as a user name in a Recipient Tree, but it can be used an unlimited number of times as a synonym in the tree.

If you specify a recipient name (or prefix) next to one of the levels in the Recipient Tree entry panel, the first recipient whose user name (or synonym) conforms with that name at that level is displayed at the top of the Recipient Tree screen.

To display (at the top of the screen) the next recipient who conforms to the specified criteria, enter the NEXT command on the COMMAND line.

Note: Synonyms are not displayed in the Recipient Tree screen. If a matching synonym is found, the cursor is positioned on the name of the user to whom the synonym belongs.


The CHKTREE command checks the validity of your tree. Type CHKTREE on the command line and press Enter.

Note: This check is performed automatically (by default) when you save a tree. For more information, see Exiting a Recipient/Approval Tree List Screen.

  • If there are no errors in the tree, the tree is automatically sorted by hierarchy.
  • If errors exist, the Tree screen disappears, and appropriate messages are displayed on a Message List screen. If the messages span more than one screen, you can scroll forward and backward through the list.

Press END (PF03/P15) to return to the Recipient/Approval Tree screen. Correct the errors and either perform CHKTREE again or exit from the screen.

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Recipient/Approval Tree List Screen