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FIND Command

The FIND command, and its abbreviation, F, can be used in all screens that contain scrollable data to find and display the next occurrence of a character string. The syntax of the command is

FIND string [fromcol] [tocol] [PREV]


PREV is the indicator that the search must move backward, instead of forward, from the current cursor position

General Rules

If the string contains blanks, enclose the string with apostrophes (‘single quotes’) or quotation marks ("double quotes"). For example:


The column range searched can be limited by entering fromcol or tocol values, or by entering both fromcol and tocol values.

The search for the string proceeds from the current cursor position forward, or backward if PREV is entered. If the string is found, the cursor is positioned at the start of the string.

To repeat the find, to the next or previous occurrence of the string, press PF05/PF17.

Note: The following situations outline where the FIND command can, or should, be further modified to enhance its functionality.

Text String Searches

The FIND command can also be used to search for text strings, in which case the command finds all instances of the string, regardless of whether the characters within the string are lowercase, uppercase, or mixed case. To search for a text string, include the letter T immediately before a quoted string.

For example,


finds WAIT SCHEDULE, and it also finds wait schedule, and Wait Schedule, and any other case variant.

Text string searches are the default. If your system default is for text strings, You do not need to include the T if you perform a text string search. Your INCONTROL administrator can change the default to character string. In this case you do not need to include the C if you perform a character string search.

Character String Searches

The FIND command can be used to search for character strings, in which case the command finds all instances of the string, but only where the string contains characters that match the case specified. To search for a character string, include the letter C immediately before a quoted string.

For example


finds WAIT SCHEDULE, but it does not find wait schedule, or Wait Schedule, or any other case variant.

Parent Topic

Commands and PFKeys