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Commands and PFKeys

Commands are entered by typing a command in the COMMAND field and then pressing Enter, or by pressing a predefined PFKey, or a combination of both.

It is not necessary to enter the full command name; the shortest unique abbreviation of the command is sufficient. If the abbreviation is ambiguous, an appropriate message is displayed in the message area.

IOA commands are flexible; you can change command syntax or provide aliases (synonyms) to suit your site. If you want to add or change a command syntax, consult BMC Customer Support. The examples provided in this chapter exhibit the original command syntax supplied with this INCONTROL product.

PFKey command assignments can be site-customized. It is possible to assign PFKeys differently for each screen. To change PFKey command assignments, see your INCONTROL administrator.

Supplied PFKey definitions are consistent throughout most of the screens. For example: PF08/PF20 is used to scroll down (forward) on all INCONTROL screens where scrolling is possible.

Table 15 Command PFKey Definitions






SHOW (where applicable)a


END (exit current screen and go back one level)


RESET (where applicable)


FIND (where applicable)


=6 (transfer to TSO screen/application or to Utilities screen)b


UP (scroll backward)


DOWN (scroll forward)


LEFT or PREV (where applicable)


RIGHT or NEXT (where applicable)


RETRIEVE (Retrieves a sequence of commands and options entered by the user during the current session. These commands and option are displayed in reverse order, on the command line of the current screen.)



To see the PFKey assignment of the screen with which you are working, type reserved command SHPF in the command line and press Enter. A window describing the current PFKey assignment appears on the screen. Press Enter again to close the window.

Figure 12 PFKey Assignment Widow

FILTER:            ---------------- IOA LOG --------------------------------(5)

COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL===> CRSR

SHOW LIMIT ON ==>                                         DATE 080800 - 080800

DATE   TIME   ODATE  USERID   CODE    ------ M E S S A G E --------------------

080800 122330 080800 M24      SCD203I REP PRDKPLW4 ELIGIBLE FOR PROCESSING

080800 122330 080800 M18      SCD203I REP GPLIR17A ELIGIBLE FOR PROCESSING

080800 122330 080800 M24      REP267I PRDKPLW4 PRDKPLW4/JOB04800 DECOLLATION

                                       FROM SPOOL STARTED

080800 122359 080800 M24      REP251I REP PRDKPLW4 PRDKPLW4/JOB04800

                                       DECOLLATION ENDED "OK"

080800 122359 080800 M24      SCD208I REP PRDKPLW4 PROCESSING ENDED "OK"



|                                                                            |

|     ENTER ENTER                     PF13  HELP                             |

|     PF01  HELP                      PF14  SHOW                             |

|     PF02  SHOW                      PF15  END                              |

|     PF03  END                       PF16  RESET                            |

|     PF04  RESET                     PF17  FIND                             |

|     PF05  FIND                      PF18  =6                               |

|     PF06  =6                        PF19  UP                               |

|     PF07  UP                        PF20  DOWN                             |

|     PF08  DOWN                      PF24  SHPF                             |

|     PF12  RETRIEVE                                                         |


If you type text in the COMMAND field and press a PFKey, the text in the COMMAND field is treated as a subparameter of the command assigned to the PFKey.

Two additional key definitions are:

Table 16 Additional Key Assignments




ABORT (forced exit).


Under native TSO and ROSCOE, the first time you press this key, the screen is refreshed. The second consecutive time, a copy of the screen is sent to be printed (or to a file) via DD statement PRTDBG. (For terminal models supporting PA3, PA3 is defined in exactly the same way as PA2.)

When the IOA Online facility is activated as an ISPF application, PA2 is controlled by ISPF and only refreshes the screen. For information on printing the screen, see IOA Under ISPF. Under other online environments (CICS, VTAM, and so on), PA2 serves as a refresh only. Usually one of the PA keys is assigned a local print function.

For information on changing IOA PFKey definitions, see the appendix in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide, which deals with modifying IOA Online Facility Commands.

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