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Original Scheduling Date

The original scheduling date (ODATE) is the working date that Control-V assigns to a mission, a message or a condition.

Every "item" under Control-V is assigned an original scheduling date. For missions, it is the date on which the mission should be scheduled for execution. For messages, it is the original scheduling date of the mission that generated the message.

The importance of the ODATE can be illustrated by the following example:

The computer is down for two days. When it is brought up on the third day, there is a two day backlog of jobs to be run, in addition to the jobs of the current day. It is desired that the jobs in the backlog have a run date matching their intended (original) scheduling date, not the working date when the computer was brought up. This is achieved by specifying the ODATE as the run date. The jobs are then executed as if they had run on their originally scheduled working dates.

Parent Topic

Date Definition Concepts