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Migration Workflow

A migration mission moves one or more reports from one storage device (usually DASD) to another (usually tape, cartridge, silo or optical disk). The workflow of a migration mission consists of the following stages:

The Control-V New Day procedure analyzes the basic scheduling criteria of the migration missions and decides which migration missions should be executed on that day. The selected missions are placed in the Active Missions file.

The monitor analyzes the migration mission’s runtime scheduling criteria. If all scheduling criteria are met, the migration mission executes.

The migration mission scans the Active User Report List file for reports that should be migrated by the specified migration mission, but have not yet migrated. The name of the migration mission is specified in the Report Decollating parameters.

The migration mission prepares a list of CDAM datasets and index files to be migrated.

Control is passed to a job submitted from the Control-D monitor, a job under the Control-M Production Control System, or a job submitted by another production control system.

The migration job transfers all the files in the migration list to the target media, updates the report status in the Active User Report List file, and indicates the location to which each CDAM file migrated.

The monitor then uses the Shout facility to add and/or delete requested prerequisite conditions, and to notify appropriate personnel.

Note: After a report has migrated, all printing and viewing requests continue using the DASD copy until it is deleted by utility CTDDELRP.

Figure 4 Migration Workflow

Parent Topic

Migration, Printing, Backup and Restore Mission Parameters