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Format the Control-M/Tape Media Database

The next automatic step formats or reallocates the Control-M/Tape Media Database. If the Media Database already exists (for example, due to a previous conversion), it must be reformatted to replace old data with up-to-date information about datasets and volumes at your site.

Note: All information currently in the Media Database is erased during the reformat process.

The following screen is displayed:

Figure 6 Conversion to Control-M/Tape – MDB Size Screen

------------------- Conversion to Control-M/Tape - MDB Size ------------------

COMMAND ===>                                                                 


The following information (taken from the report) describes your            

current tape library:                                                        


  Number of removable volumes at the site ==> 1953                           

  Number of datasets at the site          ==> 2302                           

  Average number of datasets per volume   ==> 2                              



The Control-M/Tape Media Database was allocated for the following            

amount of information:                                                      


  Number of removable volumes at the site ==> 2000                           

  Average number of datasets per volume   ==> 5                              



     Would you like to Reallocate your MDB ==>       (Yes/No)               






The statistics in the upper part of the screen indicate information gathered from the CA-1 report (produced in the previous step). The numbers in the lower part of the screen indicate the Media Database size that was specified during Control-M/Tape installation.

You are given the option of allocating a larger Media Database before reformatting it. If the statistics gathered from the CA-1 reports indicate that the current Media Database is too small for the tape information to be converted, a warning message is issued that recommends that you enlarge the Media Database.

If you choose to reallocate the Media Database, appropriate screens are displayed to prompt you for information about the desired Media Database size.

Note: If you are currently only converting information for part of your tape library, you can choose not to enlarge the Media Database at this time.

Parent Topic

Automatic Conversion Tasks