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Job Statement Considerations

Certain specifications in the DD statements of a job may make it impossible to stack data sets accessed or created by the job. The table shown below lists each rejection reason code and a description of the problem it indicates.

Table 14 Job Statement Rejection Reason Code

Reason Code



The VOL=REF=DSNAME statement was included in the JCL. Control-M/Tape ignores references to data set names that appear earlier in the JCL.


A reference to a step name or procedure step name was specified in the JCL (for example, VOL=REF=*). Control-M/Tape ignores references to data set names that appeared earlier in the JCL.


The current DD statement is a NOSTACK DD statement. Control-M/Tape interprets this DD statement as an instruction not to stack data sets created by this job.


A NOSTACK DD statement that is not the current DD statement was specified in the relevant step in the JCL.


A specific volser was specified as a destination for the current data set. Control-M/Tape honors the user’s request for the specific tape and does not stack this data set.


The VOL parameter in the current DD statement indicates that the data set can be written to more than one volume.



where 2 is the maximum number of volumes

Multi-volume data sets are not stacked.

Note: You can bypass this reject reason by setting the STKVCBP parameter in the CTDPARM member to Y. For more information, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.


The DISP=NEW statement was not included in the JCL. There is no need for Control-M/Tape to stack the data set because no new data set was created.


The DISP=(NEW,CATLG) statement was not included in the JCL, and Y was not specified for the STKKEEP Control-M/Tape installation parameter.


A non-standard label (for example, BLP or NL) was specified for the current data set. Control-M/Tape stacks only data sets for which a standard label is specified.


The specified file sequence number is greater than 1. Either a file sequence number of 1, or no file sequence number, should be specified for data sets to be stacked.


EXPDT = 98000 is specified for the current data set (that is, the volume is an external volume). Control-M/Tape does not stack these data sets.

Parent Topic

Determine why the Data set was not Stacked