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Determine why the Data set was not Stacked

If, after making the above checks, a data set was still not stacked as expected, review the reasons why the expected action was rejected.

Control-M/Tape checks each prospective stacking action in three stages:

  1. JCL (DD statements)
  2. data set considerations
  3. volume considerations
  4. dynamic allocation (SVC 99) considerations

Each of these stages can result in rejection of the action. Each rejection is assigned a reason code. (The rejection reasons for each stage are described later in this chapter.

Normally only rejection reasons due to data set considerations are visible to the user. Each time a data set is rejected for stacking, the CTT356W message is issued. This message is followed by a message that describes why the data set was not stacked. (Data set rejection reasons are issued by the CTTSTH Control-M/Tape module.)

If a data set was not stacked but no CTT356W messages were issued, stacking may have been rejected for all volumes in the specified pool. To display rejection reasons for volumes, specify a CTTSTKRL DD statement (for example, CTTSTKRL DD DUMMY) in any step of the job that creates the data set to be stacked. This DD statement causes a rejection reason to be issued for each volume that is rejected during the search for a volume on which to stack the data set.

If no data set or volume rejection reason is found to explain a failed stacking attempt, stacking may have been rejected due to a job statement or dynamic allocation consideration. Review the job statement rejection reasons below or the dynamic allocation rejections to understand the cause of the problem.

Note: Job statement rejection reasons and dynamic allocation rejection reasons are only visible to the user if the trace level is set to 324 by Control-M/Tape’s started task CTTINIT. BMC recommends using CTTINIT with the following syntax to obtain the reason for the rejection:

S CTTINIT,PARM='TL=324,TJ=job-name'

To stop trace level messages, use:


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